Chapter 7: Braving the Alley

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Severus sighed as he poured himself a cup of tea as he waited for Harry to emerge from his room to join him. He had received permission to take Harry and Blaise to Diagon Alley for the day. Harry would be glamoured as a transfer student joining Slytherin House and Blaise and Severus would be escorting him around Diagon Alley in order to purchase his supplies. Of course, in the mean time they'd visit all sorts of shops and eat lunch at one of Severus' favorite cafes. He was anticipating the freedom of getting out of Hogwarts, but he was also a bit concerned at what the large shopping crowds of the Alley would do to Harry. The teen still shied away from most contact and was terrified at the idea of being stuck in a crowd of people. Severus hoped that having Blaise along with reassure the young teen, but if Harry really couldn't handle it, he could revert back to his animagus form and they'd continue their shopping that way.

Harry stumbled out of his bedroom, rubbing his eyes vigorously as he made his way towards the kitchen table, where Severus was seated. The too-small teen was wearing a pair of flannel sleep pants that were a many sizes to large for him and they slid precariously low on his bony hips. His feet were hidden as the pants covered them, even dragging out behind him a bit. He also had on a large t-shirt with the name of some muggle amusement park, which was stained and torn in far to many places to be effective in keeping the boy warm. Seeing Harry like this only solidified Severus' belief that the boy needed new clothing, and desperately.
"Ready for today?" Severus asked once Harry was seated and quietly sipping his tea as he surveyed the food in front of him.
"I guess" Was the quiet reply as Harry carefully selected the food he wanted. It was a bit of a ritual for the teen. It had taken a few days for Severus to convince Harry that he was allowed to eat and eat whatever he chose. Now that Harry was convinced, he always selected different food each time he ate, as if he were savoring the choice, which Severus knew he was. Of course like any teenager he had a few favorites, though he never requested them, as if he were scared of asking.
"Just let Blaise or myself know if anything becomes to stressful for you Harry. we won't force you to do anything" Severus reassured the boy, once again. He had told Harry the same thing every day since Harry had been informed about the trip.
"We're just getting you some new clothes, which you need, perhaps some books..." He trailed off letting the boy mull this over.
"I need some potions ingredients and I'm sure Blaise has things he needs as well" He smiled at the boy in a kind manner, "I also figured we could go for lunch at a favorite cafe of mine"

Harry seemed to mull this news over as he chewed thoughtfully on a slice of strawberry, a favorite fruit of his. Finally the teen inclined his head, offering Severus a shy smile as he did so. Severus resisted the urge to sigh in relief, he had been worried for a moment that Harry would panic and refuse, and he had no desire to force the boy, even if the trip was needed.

Pushing his plate away, Harry rose and headed back to his room to shower and dress for the day, once he was presentable, Sev would glamour him and they would go and collect Blaise. Harry was torn, he was excited at the prospect of going out with his boyfriend, in public! and shopping in Diagon Alley. But he was downright terrified that someone would recognize him or that he'd get lost in the crowds and separated from Blaise and Sev. That thought was the worst and set his heart racing, the idea of being alone in the semi-large crowds of Sunday shoppers.


Severus walked down the dungeon corridor to the Common Room, Harry, now disguised as a young man named Edward Flintlock, was trailing behind him.
"Wait for me here" The dark haired professor intoned, watching the now blonde Harry press himself against the wall outside the entrance to the Common Room. Satisfied Harry was safe and out of the way, Severus entered the Common Room, immediately spotting Blaise standing by the entrance to the dorm rooms, a black leather jacket slung over one arm.
"Are you ready Mr. Zabini?" Severus asked, gaining the young man's attention.
"Yes Professor" Blaise said, calling out a goodbye to his friends as he shrugged into his jacket and followed Severus out of the room.
"Where's Harry?" Blaise asked once they were clear of the room.
"Right here" Harry's voice sounded from the small alcove he had hid in either. Blaise's eyes grew wide as he took in the glamoured teen. He was still Harry's size, though with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His skin was also a bit darker, and his scar was gone.
"Woah" Blaise murmured, looking over his boyfriend curiously.
"What?" Harry asked nervously, twisting the hem of his too-large t-shirt.
"Nothing, you just look different" Blaise reassured quickly, "What am I calling you?" He added, realizing he couldn't refer to his boyfriend as 'Harry' in Diagon Alley.
"Edward Flintlock is the name Sev gave me" Harry said with a shrug.
"Edward it is then" Blaise smiled reassuringly at the young teen.
"Shall we be off then?" Severus drawled from behind Blaise.
"Of course, how are we getting there?" Blaise said, falling into step beside his Professor as they headed towards the Great Hall.
"Portkey" Severus murmured, showing the two teens a scrap piece of paper. Harry blanched, his face paling a bit.
"P-portkey?" He shuddered, pressing himself closer to Blaise. Both men look confused for a moment before Severus clued into what had scared the boy.
Stopping, Sev immediately knelt in front of the shaking teen.
"Harry, I promise it will be fine. I made this portkey myself, nothing will happen" He said, keeping his voice low. Harry was still shaking rather badly but he finally nodded. His trust for Professor Snape was solid, if Severus said he made the portkey and nothing would happen he believed the man.

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