Chapter 5: Silver and Gold

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Christmas morning dawned with a fresh snow fall and no sunlight. The sky was grey with lots of cloud cover, but instead of seeming dreary and foreboding, the sensation was cosy and comforting.

Severus yawned, rubbing a hand across his eyes as he glanced at the green pine tree which graced the corner of his quarters. The elves had set it up the previous day during the drama with the red headed demon as Sev secretly called Weasley. There was a small pile of presents under the tree, most for Harry from himself, though his colleagues had sent him the usual gifts. He sighed, wondering if Harry would be able to shift back later this evening after they spent the day with Blaise and Miss. Parkinson. A small mewing noise grabbed his attention and he glanced over at the couch, seeing Silver's head pop up from the comfortable cat bed that had been the first present opened from the night before. He smiled softly, "Ready?" He tease, watching the young cat vigorously nod his head as he looked expectantly at his mentor. Sev walked over, scooping up Silver along with his new cat bed and cozy blanket, which he had also received.

Blaise glanced up as Severus and Silver came into the Common Room. It was decided that the three Slytherins and their mascot would spend the day together, as was tradition for Severus when any of his snakes remained behind for Holidays.
"Merry Christmas Professor" Pansy said, from where she was curled on the couch, near the roaring fire and tree decorated in mainly silver and green.
"Merry Christmas" Severus responded, glancing at the piles of wrapping paper which indicated that both students had received and opened numerous gifts. Silver squirmed free of Severus' arms once the man was seated and carefully limped his way over to Blaise. Smiling the Italian Slytherin carefully picked the kitten up, laughing as Silver licked his fingers and purred softly.
"I think Silver says 'Merry Christmas' as well" Sev said with a grin.
"We got you and Silver some presents Professor" Pansy said with a small smile.
"Oh?" Severus asked, arching an eyebrow at the brunette haired girl, his cheeks colouring lightly.
"Yea" Blaise nodded, using his wand to summon three packages from under the tree. Each was wrapped in emerald green wrapping paper with a silver bow.
"Here you go Professor" Pansy said, handing him two of the three packages while Blaise placed the other one on his lap for Silver to bat at.
Snape smiled softly, carefully unwrapping the gifts, both were, unsurprisingly books, though he was touched at the thoughtfulness.
"Thank you" He murmured, eyeing the potion's text he had received from Pansy with interest. Blaise had gotten him a book on rare ingredients and their effects in specific potions, it was also a fascinating present. Silver had been playfully batting at the bow of his present, but once he realized Sev was done, he quickly shredded the paper that matched his eyes with his sharp claws. Soon enough a box was revealed, and with the help of Blaise, a emerald green colour with a silver name tag was revealed. Sev looked at the leather collar with interest, it was well made, he could see the protection spells woven into the leather, and the silver tagged looked like a porkey of some kind.
"All of us in Slytherin chipped in and got this for him, I know he already has a collar, but we figured this could go over top?" Blaise suggested, "It has protection against most spells and hexes woven right into the leather, and the tag's a portkey. If he's ever in any danger it will immediately transport him to you Professor. You can add anyone to the list of protection, and he'll portkey to whichever one of the people is the least busy" Blaise explained. Silver mewed softly, touched that those in Slytherin, the house he once had despised, cared so much about him. Severus leaned forward, picking up the collar and touching the portkey were he immediately added Blaise and Pansy's name to the list.
"Thank you both" Sev murmured, attaching the delicate instrument to Silver's thin neck and smirking.
"Thank you for trusting us" Pansy said, awed that their Head of House had trusted her and Blaise with what she was beginning to see as his most important possession.

Severus looked troubled for a minute, as did Silver.
"I think we have something to tell you" He finally said, both students had done so much for him and Silver, he felt as if they deserved to be let in on the secret.
"What?" Blaise asked, watching as the kitten limped off his lap, looking distraught. Severus sighed, he felt as if they owed them this, Blaise especially. He carefully unhooked the anti-shifting collar from Silver's form and waited with baited breath as Silver shifted, turning into the hated enemy of Slytherin house.

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