Harry frowned as Severus once again explained what had happened at the last Death Eater meeting.
"He wants to meet Silver?" The raven-haired teen asked, eyes going wide. "He'll recognize me! He'll know its me" He said, eyes worried as his hand reached up to lightly touch the lightning-bolt scar adorning his forehead.
"No he won't" Severus murmured. "He's not aware of the connection you two have through the scar, nor does he believe that my familiar has anything to do with Harry Potter. If anything this will turn the pressure of his search elsewhere" The man murmured.
"Unless he casts a spell to force a change from animagus to person, he couldn't tell. And the collar will cancel any spells such as that out. He'll believe you're just a run of the mill familiar, my familiar. He's only curious because I've never expressed an interest in having any animals around, especially not a small, cuddly one. The Dark Lord likes knowing things about his servants, likes to make sure he knows all our secrets. He wants to assure himself that he still knows who I am. If I refuse to show you to him, he'll begin to suspect something, then we'll be in even more danger" The dark haired man sighed, "This really is the only option we have Harry. You know I'll keep you safe and I will never, ever let anything happen to you. If I believed we had another option, I would take it in a second" The tall man murmured. "Unfortunately, we don't and we have to work with what we have" He pleaded. Harry sighed, nibbling his lower lip as his hands twisted anxiously in the hem of his oversized jumper.
"Fine" He murmured, "If you think its the right thing to do, then I'll do it" He shuddered, he hoped being in animal form would create a barrier between him and the Dark Lord, he had no desire to be near the man, but maybe Silver could handle it.
"Thank you" Severus murmured softly, offering his young charge a small smile before summoning tea for the pair of them."Have you decided if you wish to reveal your identity to any more of the Slytherins?" He asked curiously. He knew Harry had been debating the topic for awhile, especially since he had been spending more time around Draco, Theo and Daphne, in his animagus form of course.
"I think I want to tell Draco, Theo and Daphne" The teen murmured, "But I'm worried that they'll spill the secret or something" He added.
"We can always cast secrecy spells, preventing them from telling anyone who already doesn't know. Both Pansy and Blaise submitted to the spells, and if they choose not to, we can always oblivate them for safety sake" Severus offered. He was loath wipe the memory of any of his snakes, but he needed to do what was necessary to ensure Harry's safety. After a few moments of quiet contemplation, the teen nodded in agreement.
"Okay, I'll tell them" He said, his voice a mere whisper. It was a big deal for Harry, to reveal himself to these three new Slytherins. Pansy and Blaise had been easy, but Draco and Theo who's fathers were known inner circle members were a bit more daunting.
"It will be fine" Severus murmured, pleased that Harry trusted some of his snakes enough to entrust his secret. He knew that they would easily accept the challenge and shoulder the burden, all three were good people and Draco was his godson, he knew he could trust them.-HP/SS-
Draco glanced around Severus' office curiously. Blaise, Pansy, Theo and Daphne were all seated next to him on a long couch that had been transfigured from the normal, straight backed, wooden chair that sat opposite the potion master's imposing desk.
"Only two of you know why you are here today" Severus drawled, standing up from his rather comfortable desk chair. Setting Silver down on the desk, he regarded three of his snakes seriously. He and Harry had spoken to Blaise and Pansy the day before, telling them what they planned and asking them to be there for moral support. Draco looked around once again, Theo and Daphne looked as confused as he did whereas Blaise and Pansy seemed comfortable, if a bit nervous. Frowning, he returned his attention to his House Head and godfather intently.
"All of you were extremely curious when you returned vacation to see that I, Severus Snape, had a familiar. It was not something that I had ever planned on, however, circumstances changed this summer. Another thing that everyone was curious about upon their return was the fact that Harry Potter was missing. According to Professor Dumbledore, Mr. Potter is in America at a private training facility. That is a lie" Severus said, ignoring Draco's muttered 'I knew it'.
"This summer, Mr. Potter was returned to the school in very bad condition. He, like every other summer, was returned to his muggle relatives house. Unbeknownst to the majority of the Wizarding World, myself included. Mr. Potter was not well treated by his muggle relatives. He was badly abused, malnourished, and..." Here he trailed off, looking pained. "Sexually assaulted this summer" He sighed, looking intently at his snakes. Blaise looked angry, like he always did when this subject was brought up. Pansy looked ready to cry, as did Daphne, though Pansy had been aware. Draco and Theo looked angry and shocked. Abuse of a child was not something taken lightly in the Wizarding World.
"We know, now, that this was not the first time Mr. Potter was treated this way, but this summer we, meaning myself and the staff, did something. Mr. Potter was removed from his relatives and given into the custody of a staff member. Due to the trauma he suffered and the threat of the Ministry and the Dark Lord, Mr. Potter was removed from the Hogwarts general population and put into hiding where he could work on healing himself both mentally and physically" Now Draco and his year mates were looking at Silver intently, Severus didn't blame them, they were clever.
"I am going to reveal something to you, afterwards you will have the choice to whether to be oblivated or have a secrecy spell cast on you" Severus murmured. "I understand how scary that is, however it is necessary to ensure the safety of Harry Potter and yourselves" The man added. "By now, you've all deduced what is going on, if you haven't, perhaps we should have you resorted" Nodding to Silver, he watched the tiny kitten hop off the desk and regard each Slytherin intently. Finally, after a few moments, he shifted back, Harry standing in front of the five snakes, shaking in fear. Blaise and Pansy immediately rose to stand next to him, Blaise pulling the young man into a hug. A moment later Daphne leapt up and dragged Harry into a hug, cooing softly at the young man.
"I always knew you were to attached to that cat" Theo murmured, rising and gently clapping Harry on the back. All eyes landed on Draco now, the blond looked contemplative as he regarded Harry. Finally Draco rose and approached the smaller teen and extended his hand. Harry glanced up at Draco, green eyes wide.
"Welcome to Slytherin" Draco murmured, shaking Harry's hand firmly before pulling him into a brief hug. There was a collective sigh of relief as Harry fell back into Blaise's arms, emotionally drained. Severus grinned, casting the secrecy spell on the group, renewing the spell already cast on Blaise and Pansy as he did so.
"So you're the staff member that took Pot-Harry in?" Draco asked, correcting himself.
"Yes, I am" Severus murmured, "Not only would I be the last one anyone expected to house Harry Potter, but I have experience with abuse" The man murmured, glancing carefully at Harry as the teen was settled on the couch, squished between Daphne and Pansy, both whom were mothering him.
"Is this just a temporary thing?" Draco asked curiously, glancing at Harry again, damn it if he already didn't feel rather protective of the teen. No wonder Blaise was so drawn to him, nothing needed to be said, all of them saw that the pair were together.
"No" Severus shook his head empathetically. "I adopted him, legally, just a few months ago. We needed to make sure he never had to return to his muggle relatives house" Severus explained. Draco glanced at Harry again, Severus had adopted Potter? That was startling, but he understood Severus' reasons, and damn if that didn't make Harry family. Grinning, Draco nodded slightly, he was shocked to learn that the Gryffindor Golden Boy had such an awful home life, but he knew he'd never have to go through any of that again. He did have questions and concerns, but those could wait until he had Severus alone, right now seemed to be a time for celebrating.

Silver Lining • Harry Potter X Blaise Zabini •
FanficHarry has a disasterous Summer with the Dursleys and is brought to Hogwarts early. In order to protect him, drastic measurs are taken and Harry finds himself living with one Severus Snape. - Not my book! However I can find the author for you if you'...