Chapter 3: Discovering Snakes aren't Slimy
Silver woke slowly, his body still throbbed from the abuse it had undergone yesterday. He stretched, whimpered and tried to get out of his way to warm, far to comfortable bed. His whining must have woken Severus or brought the man into the room, because in a matter of seconds he was being scooped up and shushed. He shifted, glancing up at the man he had come to think of as his protector and batted playfully at his long, beak like nose. Once upon a time, Sev might have got angry, now he just gave a suffering sigh and caught the tiny paw before mock glowering at the kitten in his hands.
"Brat" He muttered, carrying Silver into the small kitchen and setting him on the table.
"Stay still now, I need to change your bandages and re-apply this salve to your wounds" He warned, hoping Harry's instincts didn't take over to much. Carefully he pulled of the bandages from yesterday and applied the burn cream as quickly as possible. Already the wounds were healing and Harry was re-growing some of his burnt off fur. Finally, after a tug-a-war with the bandages and much mewing, he got the wounds re-dressed and went about feeding the annoying, impertinent kitten. Summoning his bag, he showed Silver the modifications he had made, instead of a leather book bag, the bag had been transfigured into the perfect kitten carrying case, while on the outside still looking like an innocent book bag. As a professor, Snape didn't need one, but he often used one to carry his students essays or random texts he was reading, besides, he couldn't allow Silver to wander during his classes now, and the kitten detested being made to stay alone."Come on then" He murmured, lowering the kitten into the bag and tossing in one of his favorite toys. He hoped this would distract the Geoffroy's cat, at least for a little while. He had a break after his first class today, which was first year Gryffindors and Slytherins, and he would let Silver out in that time, in the safety of his office. But first he had to go to breakfast and keep an eye on the little hooligans that Dumbledore so cherished.
HP/SSDolores Umbridge sat in her classroom with a smug expression. Students with their heads down, reading the first chapter in their textbook. The Minister would be so happy, Cornelius had never appreciated her, but now she would have him in the palm of her hand. He was so paranoid about Dumbledore training students for combat, not that she blamed him, the old coot still believed He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had returned and had gone so far as to send the insufferable Potter brat to the Americas. So now she was teaching at Hogwarts, making sure students learned Ministry approved lessons and preformed no magic in her classroom. Cornelius was even making it so she'd have control over what was taught in other classes as well, and she couldn't wait to observe her fellow teachers in their own settings. A few she wasn't worried about, Professors Snape, Flitwick and Sprout didn't seem to weird, and Severus did have that adorable kitten. Minerva, the half-giant and the Divination teacher all seemed threatening though, Minerva was a good teacher, but she worshiped Dumbledore, and that was dangerous. She sniffed lightly, looking around the classroom again, she could see how agitated the Gryffindors were, she herself had been a Ravenclaw, and could never abide by the shoot first, ask questions later mentality of the Gryffindors. She liked the Slytherins better, they all seemed well behaved and polite, especially that Malfoy boy, and his father was such a generous donator to the Ministry.
"That will do for today class" She said as their time was drawing to a close, "Please finish the chapter for next class and write me a two inch summary on what you've learned" She said, watching them pack away their things.
"Yes Miss Granger?" She asked, seeing the girl staring at her.
"Professor, I was just wondering when we'd be practicing spells?" Hermione asked, shifting unconsciously from foot to foot.
"You're learning the theory behind spells Miss Granger. There's no need to practice them if you know the theory" Dolores said, gritting her teeth in what felt like a smile, the damn know-it-all, couldn't she just read and be quiet like the rest of them?
"But Professor, our OWLs are this year, and-" She waved her hand, cutting Hermione off.
"You will be prepared sufficiently for your OWLs Miss Granger, now off to class before I take points" She hissed, watching in satisfaction as the girl scampered off.
"Brats" She muttered, shaking her head as she headed down to the Great Hall for lunch.

Silver Lining • Harry Potter X Blaise Zabini •
FanfictionHarry has a disasterous Summer with the Dursleys and is brought to Hogwarts early. In order to protect him, drastic measurs are taken and Harry finds himself living with one Severus Snape. - Not my book! However I can find the author for you if you'...