"Your Mum still sick Blaise?" Theo Nott asked his roommate and fellow Slytherin curiously. The boy had been missing from Hogwarts periodically over the last few days, his mother was apparently ill, and as the heir of the Zabini family, he needed to be there. Or at least that was the excuse Blaise and Severus were using in order for Blaise to attend the Dursleys trial with Harry.
"Yea, I have to go again this weekend" Blaise murmured, the end of a trial was coming up, supposedly, and the next few days would be extremely difficult on Harry since he was going to be testifying, as well as listening to the Dursleys and other important witnesses.
"Thats too bad" Draco murmured, glancing down at the Daily Prophet, reading the scarce news that they were able to report about the Potter-Dursley trial.
"Yea, I think she'll be fine though, but no one trusts her current husband to actually do anything useful, so I need to be around once in awhile" The Italian said, flicking his bangs from his eyes.He glanced up at the head table where Severus was seated, Silver curled in his lap. The trial had been rather exhausting and it still wasn't over.
Harry sighed, feeling Sev's hand tighten reassuringly on his shoulder as they stood outside of the far too familiar courtroom six.
"You'll be fine" Sev murmured in his ear, casting a glance at Blaise, who was standing nearby, polyjuiced with the hair from a random muggle that Severus' had 'borrowed'. Due to the longness of the court hours, Severus was allowing Blaise to use some of his un-patented, long lasting polyjuice potion. Severus had made it, initially, for Lord Voldemort and his death eaters to use for their daily interactions, since most of them were supposed to be on the run from Azkaban, yet they still needed to go out and do errands for their master. The potion lasted up to twelve hours though Severus had created an antidote as well, just to be on the safe side.Blaise smiled at Harry reassuringly, he had been presented to the court as Harry's mind healer from the training facility in the USA. It was a shaky story at best, but everyone was hoping that the trial would cause to large of a distraction for the court to properly check out Blaise's faked credentials.
Harry sucked in a breath, nodding lightly as Severus and Albus went ahead of him and Blaise into the court room. Once again everyone was seated as they had been before. Though today the Harry would be testifying in the morning, and Vernon Dursley would be questioned in the afternoon. This marked the final day of interviews, evidence had been reviewed, mostly medical files and pictures taken from Poppy Pomfrey during Harry's exams at Hogwarts. Of course the fudged bank records had also been reviewed, along with picture evidence taken from the Dursley's home. Harry settled in his chair, a small frown on his face as he listened to the opening statements from both lawyers.
Harry shudderingly took the stand, wincing as the chains attached to the chair rattled threateningly, though did nothing.
"Please administer the Veritaserum" Madame Bones said, watching closely as the bailiff administered three precise drops of the clear potion to Harry.
Giving the potion a moment to work, the questioner waited until Harry's green eyes took on a familiar glazed sheen.
"I'll just ask a test question and then we can begin" The man said, looking at the judge for conformation. Bones nodded, peering over her spectacles at the young man.
"Is your full name Harry James Potter?" The man asked, keeping a close eye on Harry.
"Yes" Harry said, his words coming out in a familiar, dull monotone.
"He's ready" The man said, stepping back to allow the Dursleys' lawyer to approach."Is it true that you have lived with Petunia, Vernon and Dudley Dursley from just after your first birthday?" The lawyer asked, looking down at a piece of parchment with the questions he was to ask.
"Yes" Harry responded dully.
"And is it also true that Mr and Mrs. Dursley have supported you since that time?"
"Yes" Harry responded, gasps sounding from around the courtroom. The questions asked by the lawyer were designed just so that they were broad enough for Harry to answer them with seemingly honest answers however without specifying certain things that painted the Dursleys in a bad light.
"So the Dursleys cared for you?"
"And they provided you with a proper education?"
"Did the Dursleys take you into their home, despite the obvious financial drain it would have on them?"
"Yes" Harry mumbled.
"Did you have dangerous bouts of accidental magic?"
"So, the Dursleys provided a home for Mr. Potter, sent him to school and supported him while enduring dangerous bouts of underage magic in which they could not protect themselves" The man said, addressing the jury now.
"Would a family doing that abuse their only charge?" He added, before sitting down again, clearly done his questions for the moment.
"And would Mr. Potter's lawyer please commence with their questions" Madame Bones asked.
The man nodded, moving to stand in front of Harry. The glazed eyes indicated that the boy was still under the influence of the truth potion.
"Mr Potter, while you say the Dursley's provided you, would you say that your childhood was similar to your cousin's only childhood?" The man asked.
"No" Harry answered in the dull tone, his posture slack.
"How did your childhood differ?"
"Dudley was always bigger then me, he was fed more. He had two bedrooms, and never did any chores. I slept in a cupboard under the stairs, did chores and rarely was fed, unless Aunt Petunia was worried that I would collapse before finishing my chores" Harry responded.
"What kind of chores were you expected to do in the household Mr. Potter?"
"Cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. Mow the lawn, weed the garden, wash Uncle Vernon's car, wash the windows, dust, vacuum and mop. Do the dishes, clean gutters, clean Dudley's bedrooms, and do the shopping" Harry said.
"Did your cousin do chores Mr. Potter?"
"How old were you when you started doing chores?"
"The first time I remember cooking breakfast I was five" Harry responded.
"You were cooking at five years old?" The lawyer asked, aghast.
"Has Vernon Dursley ever struck you Mr. Potter?" The lawyer asked, moving into the more difficult question.
"Lies" Roared Vernon Dursley from the other side of the courtroom.
"Quiet" Madame Bones called, pinning Vernon with a glare.
"Please continue" She gestured to the lawyer, shaking her head tiredly.
"When was the first time Vernon Dursley struck you?" The lawyer asked, shooting a furious glance at Vernon.
"I was seven" Harry responded.
"Why did he strike you?"
"I was running away from Dudley and his gang, and accidentally ended up on the roof of my school"
"You were running from your cousin? Why?"
"Yes. Because he and his friends were playing 'Harry Hunting' their favorite game"
"Harry Hunting?" The lawyer asked, stunned.
"Yes" Harry responded.
Visibly composing himself, the lawyer glanced down at the paper clutched in his hands.
"Was that the only time Vernon Dursley struck you?"
"Were you physically abused by Vernon Dursley?"
"Yes" Harry responded, sweat shining on his brow now.
"Has Vernon Dursley ever sexually abused you Mr. Potter?" The lawyer asked, his voice low.
"Y-yes" Harry stammered, though still under the influence of Veritaserum, the question was still hard to answer. The lawyer sighed, shaking lightly, rape was always a difficult topic.
"Where you regularly sexually abused by Vernon Dursley"
"When was the first time you were sexually abused by Mr. Dursley"
"This summer" Harry responded.
"Was that the only time Vernon Dursley sexually abused you?"
"Yes" Harry responded.
"Do you think he would have continued to sexually abuse you if you had remained at the Dursley household?" The lawyer asked.
"Because he said he would" Harry responded, face pale.
"Vernon Dursley said he would continue to sexually abuse you?"
The lawyer sighed, turning to address the jury now.
"While under the Dursleys care, Harry Potter was denied basic amenities of a safe place to sleep, denied food, forced to do copious amounts of chores that were far out of his age range. His accidental magic resulted in him being abused by his caretakers and this last summer he was sexually abused by his Uncle with threats for the abuse to continue" The lawyer said with a hard expression.
"Are you done with your questions now?" Madame Bones asked curiously.
"Yes, your honor" The lawyer said taking a seat as the court appointed potions' master came forward, administrating the antidote for the Veritaserum. Once three drops of the potion had been administrated, Harry was led, shaking, back to his seat next to Severus.
"I'm calling a recess for lunch now, the questioning of Mr. Dursley will take place in the afternoon. Please be back here for two" Madame Bones said, banging her gavel loudly.
Severus immediately wrapped his arms around Harry, ignoring the odd looks he was getting by showing affection to the boy-who-lived. Harry's green eyes were no longer glazed, however they were filled with tears.
"Come on" Severus murmured, leading Harry and Blaise towards the cafeteria and settling the pair at a table in the corner. He quickly went to the cafeteria lined, getting food for himself and Blaise and a small bowl of soup for Harry. He knew the boy wouldn't be able to stomach much, but Severus knew that he needed something to sustain himself for the afternoon.Sitting back down, Severus placed the bowl of chicken broth in front of Harry. The raven-haired teen shook his head, moving to push the soup away, though Severus stopped him.
"Eat it please Harry. I know you don't want to, but you need to" Severus murmured, as Blaise nodded encouragingly, taking a large bite of his own sandwich.
Harry gave a defeated sigh, both his father and boyfriend were hovering over him anxiously, not that he could blame them. Lifting the spoon, the boy took a small sip of the warm broth, feeling mildly revived as the warmth seeped into his stomach.HP/SS
Harry was seated protectively between Blaise and Severus, staring down into the center of the courtroom where his Uncle was being given a muggle-safe dose of Veritaserum. He shivered lightly, wrapping his arms around himself as he stared down at the large, whale-like muggle. Vernon had already turned that unflattering puce colour that only occurred when he was angry, and Harry just knew it was directed at him.
The standard questions were asked, and Vernon's lawyer came up, beginning to question Vernon, though as before his questions were tailored to show Vernon in a good light, while demonizing Harry.
"Did you and your family fear your nephew's accidental magic Mr. Dursley?"
"Your nephew was left on your doorstep by one Albus Dumbledore. Did you feel like you were required to care for your nephew?"
"Because he was left on our doorstep. We couldn't very well take him back where he'd come from" Vernon answered in the same dull voice as Harry had used earlier. Harry shuddered, despite Dumbledore being helpful now, Harry wouldn't be able to ever get over the fact that the man had just left him on a doorstep somewhere.
"Do you feel that you gave Mr. Potter a good life?"
"Yes" Vernon said, his tone almost smug.
"Was Mr. Potter treated well in your household?"
"Yes" Vernon said, he firmly believed that they had given 'the freak' a good life, the only kind of life he deserved.
"Do you feel that your family gave Mr. Potter a proper childhood?"
"Allowing him all the amenities that any child deserves"
"No" Vernon ground out, a vein pulsing unpleasantly in his forehead.
"No you did not give Mr. Potter the things that all child deserves"
"No I did not" Vernon spat.
"Why not?"
"Because he's a freak" Vernon spat.
"A freak?"
"Unnatural, he doesn't deserve to live with good, normal people like my family" Vernon hissed. Harry winced noticeably next to Severus, whose arm tightened lightly around his shoulders. Severus tensed slightly, glowering at Vernon with an expression that would terrify most Hogwarts students.
The questioning continued in much the same manner, Harry getting more and more nervous until they finally hit the question he was terrified of hearing.
"Did you rape Mr. Potter?"
The court stilled, they'd already heard the same statement from Harry, but reality really hit as the word was spit from the purple-faced man's mouth."That's it for today" Madame Bones said in a stilted voice.
"We will resume tomorrow for final statements and finally sentencing" She said, shaking her head.
Slowly Severus lead Harry and Blaise from courtroom six, quickly ushering the boys back to Hogwarts. Harry had been numb, silent since his questioning. After the admission of rape from Vernon, the questions had gotten much more violent and graphic, going into detail about how Vernon had done the deed, and even his plans to continue the sexual abuse with his nephew.Severus watched Harry shift into Silver and streak into Sev's room. After giving Blaise the the antidote for the long lasting polyjuice, he sent the Slytherin back to his Common Room. He normally wouldn't let Blaise just leave after what he had overheard, but Severus needed to calm down, and for that he needed to be alone. Silver was curled up in his blankets, seemingly asleep but he knew that his adopted son was trying to cope. Damn Severus was happy that tomorrow would be the last day of the trial, especially since he wasn't sure Harry could handle anymore. Slipping into his favorite chair, Severus cradled a tumbler of brandy, sipping it steadily, the whiteness of his knuckles slowly lessening as the alcohol took effect.
Tomorrow was going to be a long, long day.

Silver Lining • Harry Potter X Blaise Zabini •
FanficHarry has a disasterous Summer with the Dursleys and is brought to Hogwarts early. In order to protect him, drastic measurs are taken and Harry finds himself living with one Severus Snape. - Not my book! However I can find the author for you if you'...