Blaise sighed, rubbing his fingers through his dark hair as he stared down at the Charms essay lying abandoned in front of him. He sighed tiredly, he couldn't focus on his homework at all, he was far to distracted with thoughts about his boyfriend and the meeting he was currently in. It had taken some work for Severus and himself in order to convince Harry to begin meeting with a mind healer. Of course, the woman, a Madame Karissa Wentworth, had been sworn to secrecy by Dumbledore and Severus on the fact that the boy she was helping to overcome his abuse was, in fact, one Harry Potter."You alright?" Draco's voice shook him out of his thoughts and the Italian teen glanced up at his friend.
"Just worn out" Blaise said with a small shrug, though he attempted to offer Draco what he hoped was a reassuring smile.
"I can imagine, what with your Mother being sick and all. How is she doing?" Draco asked, the Slytherins having been fed a story about Blaise's mother being ill in order for the Italian to attend the trial.
"She's a lot better" Blaise said with a small smile. He closed his Charms book, having no drive to continue the essay.
"That's good" Draco murmured eyeing his weary friend, Blaise looked worn out and exhausted, he hadn't seen the Italian boy like this in awhile.
"It is" Blaise murmured, ignoring Draco's raised eyebrow at his lack of response.
"You alright Blaise?" Draco asked, sitting down next to his friend and tugging the essay away from Blaise, before his friend spilt his ink on it in his absentmindedness.
"Yea Dray, just really worn out" Blaise said, trying to pull himself together. He was worn out, the trial had worn him out, and now he was all stressed about Harry and this damn meeting. Gods, he wished he could be there, be supportive, but the mind healer had requested that the first few sessions were between her and Harry, and she may bring himself and Severus in later, depending on his progress.
"I can tell" Draco chuckled, glancing up as Pansy and Daphne came into the Common Room having been in the library. They were closely followed by Theo, Greg and Vince who had ben god knows where.
"That obvious huh?" Blaise asked as Theo flopped down onto the chair across from the other two boys.
"What's obvious?" The light haired teen asked.
"Blaise's exhaustion" Draco said, smiling lightly at Theo.
"Ahh" Theo glanced at Blaise critically for a minute, "You do look really worn out" He said, his tone turning concerned.
"M'fine" Blaise grumbled, waving off his friends concern. He knew they were worried about him, and he understood the concern, but he wasn't really one to let others worry about him.
"Sure you are" Draco snorted, Blaise was pretty much ready to fall asleep at the table.
"Go to bed" Theo said, nudging Blaise and beginning to pack away his friend's belongings in Blaise's leather bag.
Blaise glanced at the time, it was really early, only eight in the evening, but gods he really was tired.
"Fine" He murmured, rubbing his eyes lightly, acknowledging his tiredness finally.
"G'd night" He called as he slunk out of the Common Room towards the dormitories, his bag slung tiredly over his shoulder.HP/SS
Severus deftly stirred the contents in his cauldron as he closely examined the potion itself. Sighing, he tried to focus on the task at hand. He, like Blaise, was extremely distracted by the fact that Harry was in a meeting with a mind healer. Madam Wentworth was highly recommended and had a great reputation, but he was still extremely anxious. He knew that Harry needed this, needed the help this woman could offer, but it was still hard knowing that he wasn't the one helping the young man he now thought of as his surrogate son.
Checking the time, he realized it was ten minutes after eight and that Harry's first session had finished. He cast a Stasis charm on the potion, before heading into his living chambers to await the teen. Bustling about, Severus made a pot of tea, needing to do something while he waited. He caught himself glancing at the clock every few seconds, though he knew it would take Harry a little while to traverse the castle in Silver's form, particularly since he needed to dodge angry Gryffindors. Well, one angry Gryffindor, surprisingly the rest of the lion house had reacted well to Silver and negatively towards Ronald Weasley for his angry remarks and treatment of the kitten. It had been rather surprising, in the aftermath of the incident with Silver and Weasley, how many Gryffindors had hesitantly approached him, asking if the kitten was alright. He never thought he'd see the day where Gryffindors would willingly approach him, though he realized it was mainly due to their concern for the kitten, not so much as a willingness to be near the 'Dungeon bat'.

Silver Lining • Harry Potter X Blaise Zabini •
FanfictionHarry has a disasterous Summer with the Dursleys and is brought to Hogwarts early. In order to protect him, drastic measurs are taken and Harry finds himself living with one Severus Snape. - Not my book! However I can find the author for you if you'...