Chapter 21: Moving Forward

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Sun filtered through the open sitting room window, Daily Prophets were spread across the large coffee table being pursed intently by the rooms only occupant. Severus' head was bent over the latest copy of the British rag, his lanky hair hanging over him as he read, a rapidly cooling mug of tea by his elbow.

"Anything interesting?" A voice sounded from behind him, causing the former spy to jump slightly at the sudden intrusion. Standing in the doorway was one Sirius Black, the once gaunt man had filled out nicely, his black hair hung down to his shoulders, shining and healthy. It seemed getting Harry out of England had not only benefitted his adopted son, but his godfather as well. Though Remus and Sirius still technically lived at Grimmauld Place, they spent most of their time at Severus' small cottage in Greece, not that Albus knew that of course.

Since making the deal with Voldemort all those months ago, Severus' life couldn't be better. Harry was so much happier and was excelling in his home schooling. He still saw his mind healer, but only once a month instead of every two weeks. Karissa had recommended a new mind healer, a colleague of her's in Greece, fearing that Dumbledore would try and track Harry down using her. He wasn't above using such methods and had tried to find Harry numerous times, going so far as to try and break into both Zabini and Malfoy Manor.

Of course without Harry in England, the British witches and wizards had lost their rallying point, their symbol and the world was in complete shambles. Voldemort was quite clearly winning the war, his methods were less violent however, and true to his word, he had let those who wanted to leave, leave. Of course, certain factions were unable to leave the country permanently, like Remus and Sirius, but it wasn't from lack of trying. As members of the Order, however reluctantly, they weren't able to just up and disappear, no matter how much they wished they could.

Severus closed the Prophet and shrugged in response to Sirius' question. He had relaxed exponentially since moving to Greece and escaping from under both his masters.
"Nothing really, just speculation on where Harry is and how many people are leaving the country. Hogwarts is going to be a very empty school come September" Severus said casting a heating charm on his now cold tea.
"No kidding, Albus was talking about it at the last order meeting. He's quite disappointed in how many children have been withdrawn. He seems to believe that everyone should trust he is able to protect their children while they're at school" Sirius said, flopping onto the lovely, cushy couch Severus' had purchased a few months previous.
"He would believe that" Severus said with a snot. "And maybe once upon a time he could, but the Death Eaters are targeting prominent light families everyday and the Ministry is in complete shambles. Everyone with half a brain can see Albus isn't able to protect them, he can't even protect his own followers" Severus said softly, speaking of both Kingsley Shacklebolt and Alastor 'Mad Eye' Moody who had both been killed in a raid a few weeks previous. Both were well known Order members as well as aurors and Voldemort, along with a few favoured followers, had dispatched them with ease.
Sirius made a noncommittal noise in the back of his throat, he had liked both men and had mourned for them but he also understood war and knew with the way things were going, neither Kingsley or Alastor would have had a place in Voldemort's new regime.
"When are you and Remus going to leave? You know Harry worries every time you two leave" Severus finally asked after a moment of silence, Remus and Sirius would have to leave England soon or they would be involved in the final battle and there was no guarantee they would survive that.
"Soon" Sirius said, raking his fingers through his dark hair and sitting upright on the couch. "Albus has been watching us closer, I think he suspects something but he hasn't been around enough to actually speak with us beyond the usual weekly meetings. I have a feeling our departure is going to be a very clandestine middle of the night type thing" Sirius added. He wanted out of England, he wanted to be here, in Greece, with Harry and shockingly even Severus. The two were getting on much better and Sirius had proved to be a valuable asset in Harry's education. His grasp of Transfiguration was something to be marveled and he was able to explain the concepts in a way that the younger teen understood.

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