Wolf Inside

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Alice's POV:

I open my eyes to see everything blurry but I can tell that I'm not in Konan's room. I feel a weight on my neck as I try to stand up. My body aches once again from Hidan and Pein pushing me to my limit. as I stand I glance at my feet to see white paws. "What the hell!" I yell looking at where my hands and feet used to be. I panic and try to run but nearly choke when I feel something around my neck. Attached to my neck is a thick chain that is then connected to the wall. "What the heck is going on here?". I try to pull the chain off but it's hard without the use of hands.

I sense someone behind me and turn around to face them. Pein stands tall above me and stares with his emotionless eyes. "Your awake at last. You had me worried that I pushed you too hard, but it was worth it" he says in a booming voice as I cower towards the wall. He grabs the chain and yanks it hard causing me to whimper. "You should be in this form for around 2-3 hours, so until then you will remain here where I can keep an eye on you" he explains taking a seat at his desk. "W-what do you mean this form?" I question with caution. "Don't you remember? Since you are the Okami spirits host you can turn into the wolf itself. This makes you rather powerful if you know how to control it's chakra" he answers as I look at my paws and tail. I growl at him and try to bite the chain from the wall. He just sighs and starts work on some paperwork.

He glances at me once in while to make sure that I'm still here but then he continues on with his work. Someone knocks on the door so I perk my ears. "Enter" Pein tells them as the door opens. Sasori walks in looking barley alive. He only has one arm and has scratches all over his wooden body. Purple blood can be seen dripping slightly from his core. "Did you get rid of those shinobi?" Pein asks not looking up from his paper work. "Yes. They were a bunch of leaf ninja searching for Alice" Sasori replies taking out a kunai from his shoulder. He glances at me and I growl. He throws the kunai towards me as a warning shot so I quickly turn. The kunai misses me and hits the chain with some force. All three of us hear a shattering sound. The chain keeping me tied up has been broken. My eyes go wide as Pein and Sasori attempt to grab me. I cease my opportunity and make a run for it. I jump over Sasori with ease and race out the office door.

Pein's POV:

Dammit Sasori you idiot. I try to grab a hold of what's left of the chain, but she jumps over Sasori and makes a break for it. "You idiot!" I yell as Sasori and I chase after Alice. "Everyone you mustn't let the girl escape!" I shout running through the base. Soon enough a few of the other members race out their rooms and split up and help search.

Alice's POV:

I keep running as fast as I can through this maze of a base. I seem to have lost Pein and Sasori but I sense someone else after me. I quickly turn my head to see Itatchi after me and he's fast. He almost catches up to me until I leap through the broken base wall that I was smashed into earlier. I run at full speed into the forest trying to get as far away from them as possible.

I keep running until I can't sense anyone following me. I collapse behind a bush panting heavy. I'm still not used to running on all fours but at least it makes me fast. I rest for a few minutes then stand up to look at my surroundings. 'Wait this place seems familiar' I think as I take a look around. I spot a familiar tree with foot prints going round it. "This is where the porthole was I'm sure of it" I say sniffing around the tree. Checking that the coast is clear, I then investigate the tree. "Come on there has to be a way back" I sigh as I keep tapping the tree in different places.

"You do know you'll never get back right" a familiar deep voice calls from a nearby tree.

Madara's POV:

I find Pein to see what all the commotion is about seeing everyone of his men frantically looking for something. "What happened" I demand and he looks at me nervously. "The girl where is she?!". When he tells me what happened I clench my fist in anger. "Ill deal with this myself" I tell him as I head towards my room.

I take off my Akatsuki uniform and mask then phase into a different dimension to sneak out.

I appear in a tree looking down on my target. She looks around the tree where I first made the porthole. I decide to make my presence known. "You do know you'll never get back right".

Alice's POV:

I slowly turn around to see red eyes from the trees ahead. "Who's there?" I ask trying to be brave. I get a dark chuckle in response. "M-Madara" I stutter in fear. He jumps out of the tree and walks towards me. I try to stand my ground even though inside I'm shaking in fear. "I'm sorry but that porthole I used to bring you here, will only ever open once" He explains squating down next to me bringing his face to my level. I widen my eyes "W-what?" I say shocked. He brings his hand to my jaw and grips it firmly making me look at him. "You heard me" his booming voice sends shivers through me. He stands up. "I think your time being a wolf is nearly up" I look at him confused and then my head starts burning.

I collapse on the floor grunting and screaming. He stands watching with an amused smile as my bones break back into place.

A few minutes of intense pain and I pant heavily looking down at my hands. I get up slowly and start walking backwards. "How did you know that was going to happen? Did Pein tell you?" I ask as the pain finally numbs. "I have my ways of getting information. Your coming with me" he demands walking towards me again.

'I can't fight him he's too strong I need to get out of here' I think quickly and begin to run. "Where do you think your going" Madara says amused. A pain erupts in my lower left leg and I fall face first on the ground in agony. I sit up and hold my leg. There's a kunai sticking out of it. "You bastard!" I scream pulling the kunai out. He grabs hold of my arm roughly and starts dragging me along the floor back towards the hideout. "No! I'm not going back there! I just want to go home!" I scream as he throws me into a tree. He places his hand around my neck and pins me up to the tree as a bit of blood falls from the corner of my mouth. "Listen there is no way back to your world. You are stuck here and you belong to me and only me got it" he whispers into my ear as tears fall my my eyes. "I don't belong to anyone I'm not a tool to be used I'm a person!" I growl back at him. He smirks and hauls me over his shoulder.

I have been kicking and punching him for awhile but he barely even flinches. He suddenly stops and snaps his fingures. Itatchi appears from the shadows. "Take her inside and lock her in a room" Madara demands as he passes me to Itatchi. Madara then phases through the floor "Don't disobey me again unless you want a punishment worse than death" was all he said before he fully vanished.

Itatchi turned his sharingan on and forced me to look into his eyes. "No not this again!" I yell while trying to punch him. "This will keep you quiet until we arrive" is the last thing I hear before being surrounded by darkness.

How was this chapter :3 I tryed to capture Madara's darkness but it was tricky x3 tell me what chu think ^~^ xxx

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