Sealing the two tails

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Alice's POV:

I start to drift off to sleep before I'm rudely interrupted. "Alice, leader-sama told me to come and get you un" I look up from the covers and find Deidara standing next to my bed. "Deidara I missed you" I happily say and go to hug him but forget I don't have any hands and end up face planting the floor. "Ouch" Deidara chuckles at me before helping me back up. "Heh I kinda forgot I'm still like this". He gets down to my level and hugs me. "There now come on before leader-sama kills us hm". We both head off in search of the other Akatsuki members.

He leads me into a hall where the sealing statue is kept and I spot all of the Akatsuki standing on each of the statues fingers. About 4 of them are holograms so they must be out on missions. The statue looks much bigger in person than I thought it would.

"Tobi sees Alice-chan. Tobi thinks she should stand near him" Tobi's hyper voice sounds throughout the hall. "Shut the hell up Tobi!" Deidara yells back as we make our way to the top of the statue.

"Alice, you will stand next to Tobi" Pein demands as Deidara takes his place. 'I guess I don't mind being next to Tobi, at least I'm further away from Pein' I shudder as I jump up to the place where Tobi is standing. "Yay Tobi is happy Alice-chan gets to stand next to him" He squeals like some sort of fan girl as I hear grumbles coming from a few of the Akatsuki members. Sure Tobi is hyper and loud all the time but he's one of the nicest here.

"The sealing of the two tails will now begin. It will take approximately two days to complete so keep your chakra in check" Pein interrupts the silence as everyone begins to make the correct hand signs. I realise what they are about to do and begin to feel sorry for the girl laying motionless on the floor below. Blue snake like things burst out the statues mouth and wrap around the jinchuriki lifting her off the floor. I hear faint cries coming from her so I look away knowing there's nothing I can do to help. The scene before me reminds me of when they tried to extract the Okami spirit. I can only imagine the pain she is feeling.

"Is Alice-chan ok? Does she feel sorry for the lady?" I look up to find Tobi looking my way. "Its fine Tobi don't worry" I say giving him a closed eye smile and sitting next to him.

Madara's POV:

She sits next to me and I can sense the huge amount of chakra radiating off her. She seems to be much stronger in this form making the Okami spirits chakra more dominant. It seems the more she uses that chakra while in this form the longer she will stay.

I reach out towards her with my free hand and stroke her head pretending to comfort her. "It's ok Alice-chan, Tobi is happy to help". She seems to calm down slightly so I pull my hand away. Such power! Just touching her in the form she's in increases even my chakra. With her at my side no one will be able to stop my plans. A smirk forms on my face as I think of the things we can accomplish with this amount of power.

Alice's POV:

I feel a strong pain in my legs and realise what's going on. Trying not to scream I grit my teeth as my bones begin to break. (Just imagine all your bones breaking at once and muscles ripping and tearing, that's how Alice is feeling right now >_<) I can't take it anymore and scream painfully. Some of the Akatsuki members look my way but then go back to focusing on sealing the two tails. "Make it stop!" I scream gritting my teeth but I know no one will come to help. "Will that bitch shut the hell up!" I hear Hidan yell. "Tobi go and take her to her room so the rest of us can focus" Pein orders as Tobi picks me up. "Yay Alice-chan gets to come with Tobi!".

We arrive at my room as Tobi places me on my bed. The pain feels like it's getting worse each second. The last time I changed back it didn't feel as bad as this. (The more she uses the Okami spirits chakra the more it hurts changing back :o) "T-Tobi don't leave m-me like this".

"Tobi will sit here till Alice-chan feels better" he pulls up a chair and sits next to my bed watching me curiously. I start seeing stars as my vision starts going black from the intense pain my body is going through. I reach out to Tobi as my vision fades and catch him staring at me coldly ...

How was this chapter :3 and Madara is starting to show Alice his true personality :o read the next chapter to find out what happens between the two ;) xxx

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