Darkness Rising

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Mai's Pov;

"I don't remember the dreams at all only the fear. I'm sorry Mom and Dad. I just can't remember. Noll even tried to hypnotized me. It didn't work!"
"Martin dear, she's been through a lot! Perhaps a break from all things paranormal. Just for awhile."
I looked between them realizing that Martin really wanted to push me. While Luella was being a mother and saw her child was struggling. Struggling to cope with what was happening and, what everything meant.
"I think we need a girls day out we can invite Madoka with us. You remember her she helped with decorating your bedroom Mai? We can go have a spa day!"
I nodded and smiled at her and spoke,
"Yeah Mom that sounds really nice. It'll also be nice to see Madoka again. I haven't seen her since the Miwa mansion almost eight months ago!"

**That evening**

Luella's Pov;

She looked so exhausted I was checking on Mai and she was sleeping it seemed like she might actually be able to make it through the night without those horrible nightmares. I petted her hair pushing it from her face when she spoke,
"They want us dead! We didn't help them.... couldn't find the person... not dead... they are alive... SPR's fault... gave warning... wanted them to be dead... now want us dead... me and... Gene!"
My goodness she was able to tell us something in her sleep while relaxed she remembered her dream. Maybe it wasn't that at all, but maybe it was my presence allowing her to relax enough to remember.

I woke the others up. I spoke after a moment.
"Mai was sleep talking about something to do with the people trying to hurt people from SPR, and they are specifically targeting the mediums. Especially Eugene and Mai. Something to do with looking for a dead person that turned out not to be dead, and now they wanted the whereabouts of said supposed person. So that they can finish it, because Gene said he couldn't contact him. They believed that he knew what was going on."
I looked at my sons watching their reactions to this information. When Noll spoke up.
"So she's able to tell us about her nightmares while asleep? I would like to record her to find out exactly what she's dreaming about. I need to know exactly what we're facing! I will not lose a member of my family to these monsters!"
After my son spoke we put a plan in place to record Mai's sleep talking and try to figure out how to stop them from trying to hurt us.

**Time Skip**

Noll's 'Naru' Pov;

"We've given Mai a slight sedative to help keep her asleep while we talk to her."
We entered the office area and I set up the recorder Mai was asleep on the sofa I began to ask some simple questions.
"Do you know who you are? Can you tell me where you are? Who I am?"
I'm Mai Davis. I'm in my dad's office at home and your Naru!"
"Can you tell me what your nightmares are about?"
"They are using a medium to find us. He keeps trying to block me from finding him when I'm awake. I can't get access to my memories of these dreams because of him. He can't stop me when I'm asleep though! Different things are used when you dream versus when we're awake. You want me to tell you what I know. They want Gene dead for sure and they know I'm in the way. So they want to take me out of the way. The case Gene went to Japan for they are the ones after us. They gave a false identity to SPR so we would investigate their case. You'll need to check the picture I took of the car. It has the license plate number for the real people. The police will not be able to help they know how to avoid them. "
"Who do they want dead, that Gene couldn't find?"
"A wealthy older relative who they tried to kill. He's hiding. They thought Gene has the same gifts as you Naru. They were looking for your psychometry. So they could determine if he was alive or dead. But they got Gene's medium ablities. They think he knows to much about them. Plus he saw their faces!"
I ended the session with Mai and carried her to her bedroom.
"Sleep Mai. We'll protect you and Gene. No one will hurt you ever!"

One month later
Mai's Pov;

Nothing has been discovered. We couldn't find anything on them. Naru was frustrated on the lack of leads. The investigation team couldn't find anything on them! And without an object belonging to one of them, Naru couldn't use his gift. I was staring out of my bedroom window, when I felt arms wrap around me and lips press against my neck.
"You might as well accept this Mai. Last vision was us together again. The universe decided we'll be together. I'll do everything in my power to help you see that!"
And then he kissed me holding me close. I'm completely crazy, this is completely crazy. My brain was filling with sexual fog. I moaned into his kiss. I felt his hands move lower grabbing my behind. Pulling me tighter into his proof of his need.
"I'm not ready Naru! I'm sorry."
"I know your still to young. I'll wait. I'm very good at waiting."
I had just turned sixteen a few months ago. I was actually closer to seventeen than sixteen. Naru and Gene turned eighteen right after me. Time was moving forward rushing me, us headlong into the unknown darkness.

Three months later
Noll 'Naru' Pov;

Nothing! Not a new clue as to where they are in months. Some low members of SPR have been injured on a few cases lately. We're not sure if it's related to the ones going after us, but we weren't taking any chances. My parents had bodyguards in place for Mai, myself and Gene. I made Mai wear a watch I had placed a tracking device inside of. I wanted to know where she was at all times. Her safety was important to me.

That evening I found Mai in bed curled up asleep, crying having a nightmare again. I crawled into bed with her and pulled her close. She cuddled up with me and pillowed her head on my chest.
"Thank you Naru."
She was back asleep in a second. I closed my eyes and also fell asleep holding my future.

I awoke before her and watched her sleep. Something seems wrong Mai had a bloody nose and tears tracking down her cheeks.
"Mai, Mai wake up!"
She slowly opened her eyes.
"I'm so tired Naru and my head hurts."
Gene came running into the room!
"Something is wrong Noll! Mai's under psychic attack."
She closed her eyes again, she could barely stay awake. I decided to call the others from Japan they will help protect Mai.

Two days later
Mai's Pov;

"Ayako when did you get here?"
"Shh! You need to rest Mai you've been under attack for two days. Naru called me and Monk in as well as Father Brown. Even Masako and Yasu came. I've set up wards to protect you so you're safe now."
Wow Naru brought everyone together just to protect me. I sat up and hugged Ayako.
"I missed you so much! I'm so happy you're here."
I noticed my bedroom door open and the others entered. Our team was back together. I also saw all the wards on my bedroom walls. There were so many this psychic must be really strong. What did he want. Why would they try to hurt me like this. I really didn't understand what these people were planning.

Gene's Pov;

I had gone out on case to help a young mother talk with her deceased child. I had the wards from Ayako when I see a car come out of nowhere and aim for myself and Father Brown. Since he accompanied me on this case. We had just enough time to jump out of the way!
"So apparently they have people here in England as well."
"Appears so John. We'll have to let Noll know. "
"Do you think the psychic is local Gene? That maybe why Mai's attack was so strong?"
"It's definitely a possibility! Let's head back and let the others know!"

**Time Skip**

Noll's 'Naru' Pov;

So my brother and Father Brown were attacked on their way home.
"So it's seems we're being followed by them and they are getting desperate on getting us. There were other people around us that saw."
"So we'll need to check the security cameras for the car their using."
"Yes mother we'll give the license plate numbers to the police."
This was getting out of hand. They were trying to hunt us down when we left the safety of our home.
"I've contacted the Yard they'll be here today. We'll let them handle this."
"Martin my children are in danger! Make sure they understand that, and do everything they can to protect them! I'm going to be with Mai she's been resting all day today."
Mai was recovering from the psychic attack. They were trying to block her sight. So they could come after us. In the hopes of killing or severely injuring us. But with Mai's gift they couldn't do so. So their first target was her. Take her out and we're vulnerable to attacks.

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