3 - and so what🙄

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~kenzie pov

Im with annie right now and we're in my car going to school. We're wearing these outfits.

 We're wearing these outfits

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I glanced over at her

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I glanced over at her. She's on her phone. I put my eyes back on the road.

"can you put your phone down, i need to talk to you" I said. She smacked her lips.

"about what" she asked

"julianna just turn your phone off" I said. She put her phone down then sighed.

"what were you doing last night?" I asked her.

"minding my business" she said

"im really not tryna argue with you i just wanna know, do you like lilia?" I asked.

"no but she likes me she my side hoe and i like somebody else and yah we fucked last night but thats none of your business so can you please get off my ass about my personal life" she said with an attitude. My feelings are hurt...a lot. But i can't control her.

"yah.." I said with sadness in my eyes.

15 minutes later..

We got to school and i parked. I got straight out the car before annie did and walked away. I locked the door like 15 seconds later because im sure she was out the car by now. Who fucking cares about her anyways? I dont need her....right?😩 I got inside of the school and i saw carson and jayden in the hall walking together and being all cute and shit. I ran up to them.

"hey guys" I said with a smile. They smiled at me.

"whats up" carson said with a smile

"hi" jayden said with a smile

"where's johnny?" Carson asked

"uh we kinda got into an argument about something yesterday..but we're fine now" I said. Lauren came running from around the corner which made us quickly stop walking and jump back a little. Johnny was chasing her. She hide behind me. Johnny saw her.

"lauren i can see you" johnny said then ran his fingers threw his hair.

"okay john don't hurt me I'll fix it" lauren said then stopped hiding behind me.

"break up with him now, He's right there" johnny said

"it was an accident jo-" lauren said until he cut her off.

"lauren that shit isnt an accident, now go break up with him before i put him in a hospital bed" johnny demanded. Lauren sighed.

"okay" lauren said softly then started walking up to him. We watched from a distance.

"what happened" I asked

"caden hit her on her arm and made it bruise and she thinks its not abusive" johnny said

"i should go fight him" carson said

"bro you down? We can go jump him right now" johnny said

"you guys arent gonna go fight him" jayden said

"yah you're not gonna go fight him on our watch" I said. Lauren came back to us.

"he said we're not breaking up" lauren said. Johnny looked so mad all of a sudden.

"ima fight him after school watch" johnny said then walked off looking so furious. I need to say this. I wanna say it so bad. But im not gonna say it.

"let's get to class" I said feeling disappointed.

Bell rings - class starts

~annie pov

Im in class right now with lilia. We're doing a different assignment. Its paper work and mr gomez is letting us work on it with a partner. Everyone's talking and goofing off but im actually working. I felt lilia touch my pussy. I looked at her.

"chill out" I said

"cmon its my turn to give you head" she said while smirking. I smiled.

"later not now" I said while smiling. She moved her hand and began working on the paper work. I started gazing off in space just looking at kenzie. I saw her get up and walk passed my table. She didnt even look at me which hurt me a little. Shes at the teachers desk asking a question. Lilia snapped me out of my gaze.

"hey i said whats number 4" lilia asked.

"what? Oh um" I cleared my throat and picked up my paper.

"its um..number 4 is um.." I said trying to focus but i couldnt because of kenzie. She started walking this way.

"hey kenzie can you help me with number 4?" I asked. She got to our table. She looked at me then at lilia. When she looked at lilia she gave her that disgusted look. Does she-

"its c" kenzie said. I circled it then looked back at her.

"you wanna h-" i said until she cut me off

"no" she said then walked away. Lilia chuckled.

"hoes mad" she said with a little smile across her face. Females🙄.

After school at my house

~kenzie pov

Im home right now with john and lauren. We're sitting on the couch watching the lion king. John kissed my cheek to get my attention.

"I'll be back" he said then got up

"where are you going?" I asked

"to the bathroom and then im gonna order food" he said while fixing his hair. I nod and he goes. I look back at the TV and i sense lauren looking at me so i look at her.

"what" I asked. She was smiling for some reason. Weird.

"oh nothing its just..i know something about annie and im sure if you know this" she said while smiling and playing with her phone. I look at her phone then at her.

"what about her" I asked

"did you know that she's bisexual and that lilia wants to date her but she doesn't because she likes someone else" she said. Dont get me wrong. I love julianna. So much. But she's acting really rude to me and our friendship is kinda rocky. So we've been distant and i dont know or hear much about her anymore.

"i know lilia wants her but i didnt know she was bi" I said

"i know its shocking, but lowkey her lilia would be so cute together" she said then smiled. My left eye twitched a couple times before saying anything else. Thats bs.

"umm not they wouldn't but its no my business" I said. I started getting jealous for some reason. Thats odd. Really odd.

"yes they would but im just wondering who she likes" she said

"..yah..me too" I said while looking at the ground with a sad look on my face. Can i have my best friend back?😩

Waste My Time 💝 ~ mackannieWhere stories live. Discover now