9 - might be a mistake😞

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~mackenzie pov

Right now im going in school and im going to class. I gotta tell annie about me and zach's relationship. I hope i can say something to make her not as mad about it. I dont want her mad at me😩.  I walked inside the classroom and everyone was talking and socializing. The guys were being dumb and playing with the football throwing it around the classroom and of course john was here. I just sighed and sat down in my seat. I pulled out my phone and my air pods. I put my air pods in and turned on some music and then annie came over and sat in the chair next to me she was smiling. Jayden sat on my desk and she was smiling at me too. Okaaaay😐. I took out my air pods.

"is there something you guys wanna tell me or?" I asked while looking at both of them like they were weird. Because they were being weird.

"yah actually" jayden said while smiling

"look at me" annie said. I looked at her and she licked her lips.

"there's this huge party tonight and i was wondering if you wanna go to it with us" she said. Why does she look so cute all the time fuck!😩😍.

"who's party is it?" I asked. Annie looked at jayden and i looked at her too.

"its brennan's party" jayden said

"my ex best friends brothers party..me and katie are still cool tho" annie said then started smirking. The fuck is she smirking for?

"what do you mean cool?" I asked. I sounded and looked a bit jealous tbh cuz i heard myself.

"maaaan tell her jayden" annie said then laid back in the chair while crossing her arms. I looked at jayden.

"she fucked katie cuz katie apparently looked good to her at the time" jayden said. While she was saying that she looked like she wanted to laugh. I had a straight face the whole time. I looked back at annie and she was licking her lips.

"when was this?" I asked in a serious tone. Annie smacked her lips.

"man chill its not that crucial" she said while smirking.

"julianna when was it!" I asked raising my voice at her. I saw her look at jayden and then she started giggling. I looked at jayden and she froze then started laughing. I chuckled.

"bro jayden leave i need her to focus for a second" I said while smiling. She got off my desk.

"focus on that pussy for a few seconds" jayden said with a smirk. I blushed and im sure it was noticeable.

"hell yah bro ima be up in there" annie said while smiling.

"jayden leeeave" i said while smiling. She giggled and left. I looked at annie.

"you gone let me smash?" She asked with a smirk. I punched her in the thigh really hard.

"OW" she yelled. She slapped me on the thigh really hard and im wearing shorts so you know that shit hurts.

"STOP" I yelled. She giggled. I didnt wanna hit her again...just yet.

"i need to tell you something" I said while looking at the ground.

"..is it bad or something" she asked

"its gonna hurt you because i know how badly you wanna be with me but you can't because im straight" I said. She smacked her lips.

"you're not straight but okay, what the fuck do you wanna tell me?" She asked. I looked her in the eyes.

"im dating zach" i said. She just looked at me for about 3 seconds before getting up. I grabbed her hand before she could walk away.

Waste My Time 💝 ~ mackannieWhere stories live. Discover now