5 - wassuh wid it😏

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~jayden pov

So me and annie are walking to class together and we're talking about last night if you know what i mean😏.

"so if im correct the fucking with lexi went well and you broke up with your girlfriend that wasn't your girlfriend and you and kenzie almost kissed and you feel like she likes you back" I asked. I looked up from my fingers and looked her in the eyes.

"yup that's correct" annie said with a smile.

"so whats gonna happen with you and lexi yall gonna date? Or nah" I asked

"bro im not dating anyone but kenzie cuz i only want her" she said

"awwwwhh" i said with a smile. She blushed and pushed me slightly.

"shut uuup" she said while blushing. We walked into class and sat down then the bell rang. Right on time.

~annie pov

Me and jayden got to our table and sat down. Kenzie came over to us and she hugged me from behind the chair then sat down next to me.

"hey kenzie, where's boyfriend?" Jayden asked

"He's at practice with the basketball team, why" kenzie said

"oh just wondering" jayden said

"jayden shut up" I said

"anyways um...annie can i come over and play with eli later i promised him I'd be there today" kenzie asked

"yah of course" I said

"cuz annie really just tryna f-" jayden said until i cut her off.

"jayden shut the fuck up" I said while blushing

"you tryna fuck for real?" Kenzie asked

"i mean if you down yah" I said

"i told you, you not finna fuck me" kenzie said while smirking. I licked my lips.

"change that not to an are" I said then started smirking. She smacked her lips and hit me in the head I started giggling.

"stop playing julianna" she said

"i love you" I said while smiling

"i love you too best friend" she said then got up and left.

"ouuuh friend zoned" jayden said. We both started laughing for some reason😂. Mr gomez walked to the front of the class.

"okay good morning class, today we will be doing this assignment about babies and taking care of them so mark pass these out" mr Gomez said. Mark stood up and passed the work sheets out.

"you guys may work on this with a partner or as a group" mr gomez said then sat down at his desk. Everyone moved around and kenzie came back over to us. She sat down next to me.

5 minutes later..

"number 12 is b" i said then circled it.

"number 13 is d" kenzie said and i circled it. I looked at jaydens paper and it was blank. I looked at her and she was just smirking at us.

"number-" kenzie said until i stopped her.

"wait kenz, jayden why aren't you working" I asked

"cuz y'all really over here working on this when we have a whole hour in this class" jayden said

"we only have 2 more left" kenzie said

"14 is a and 15 is a" I said and kenzie circled it

"want me to circle it for you?" Kenzie asked

"yah thanks" I said. She took my paper circled the answers then she took both of our papers and turned them in.

"quick! Are you gonna fuck her tonight?" Jayden asked

"if she lets me maybe, but she keeps acting like she doesn't want me" I said. She came back and sat down next to me. She got on her phone.

"john's so hot when he's at practice and all sweaty" she said while looking at her phone. She was looking at his Instagram video of him at the football game.

"yup super hot" jayden said

"i know like how could someone be so fucking hot all the time" she said then turned off her phone and looked at me.

"what" I asked

"how could someone be so hot all the time" kenzie asked me. She started smiling. I shrugged.

"what do you mean you dont know, you do it everyday" she said while looking at my lips and my eyes. Can she stop playing with me and marry me already damn😩💍.

"too bad my hot ass can't be with you, oh wait that's not bad for me cuz i got hoes" I said getting jealous

"hey! No we're married..in here" she said softly then grabbed my hand and put it over her heart. I was still jealous.

"you play too much" I said then rested my head on the table.

"i love you best friend" she said

"yah okay" i said

~jayden pov

I looked at kenzie. Annie had her head on the table so she couldn't see us. I waved my hand to get kenzie's attention. She looked at me.

"whats up" she said

"are you gonna stop playing with my friend annie?" I mouthed to her. She smiled.

"im just teasing her i don't like girls im straight" she mouthed back to me. Now she know damn right😏😂.

"straight my ass but okay" i mouthed to her. She giggled and i did too. Annie picked up her head.

"I'll try to be at your house before 8 im going on a date with john tonight" kenzie said

"k...thats fine" annie said looking a little disappointed. Kenzie hugged her.

"i love youuu" kenzie said while hugging her

"i-" annie said until i cut her off by clearing my throat.

"..yah okay" annie said

John and kenzie's date at starbucks

~kenzie pov

Its currently 6:45 pm and we're finishing our date off with starbucks and we're about to leave to go back to his house to chill but I know he wants to have sex. Im down for it as usual. We got up and walked out of starbucks and got in his car. 25 minutes later we got to his house and went to his room and started watching a movie and cuddling. No one was home but us. As i was laying on him i saw that his dick started getting hard. I also saw him trying to hide it from me. I looked at him and sat up.

"wassuh wid it" he said while smirking. I sighed softly.

"why dont we just go play basketball for a little" I suggested. He looked at me up and down while licking his lips.

"help me with my boner first" he said in a sexy tone. We do it a lot and i enjoy it. I just dont know why im not wanting to now.

"it'll go down on its own" I said softly. He grabbed my hand.

"babe cmon please" he begged. I looked at his boner then back at his eyes.

"hand job or blow job?" I asked him

"i wanna blow job then i wanna get in that pussy" he said then smirked. Oh lord.

"k" i said. I pulled his dick out his shorts and started doing it. Each second made me second think about myself.

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