6 - i want you..to stop😩

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~annie pov

Zach's house party

9:58 pm

I'm at the party with some friends but ive been around zach and jayden mostly cuz we cool like that and we fuck with each other. I'm sitting by the counter drinking and getting lit with a lotta bitches i just met. It was like 10 of them like 3 of them kissed me and the others wanna fuck but i told them later. Out of nowhere mackenzie came and grabbed me and took me outside the party. It was quiet out here and chilly.

"what the fuck are you doing getting drunk like that?!" She asked raising her voice a little at me.

"im fine" i said with a sly smile on my face. Im drunk as fuck.

"no you're not...annie i want you.." She said looking a little concerned

"what?" I asked. Did she say she wants me?! Finally!

"no you didnt let me finish, i want you..to stop" she said

"stop doing drugs?" I asked

"that and stop fucking bitches" she said with a serious face. I'm starting to think she actually getting jealous over me and is lowkey telling me she likes me. I smirked and licked my lips.

"why does it matter to you Mackenzie? Do you-" I said with a smirk until she cut me off.

"NO ANNIE I DONT LIKE YOU I TOLD YO ASS I DONT ALREADY" she yelled. I just looked at her and deep down i believed her but not really up here.

"..k..if you dont then what i do shouldn't matter to you.." I said feeling a little hurt. I walked away from her and went back into the party.

25 minutes later..

She kissed me.

"you're so good at this" lexi said with a smile. I grabbed her ass and smiled.

"I'm just great in bed baby" I said softly while she laid her head on my chest and relaxed. I got on my phone.

"julianna" she said softly while lifting up her head and looking me in the eyes.

"yes?" I said. She took my phone and turned it off then put it on the bed. So she wants my attention huh?

"pay attention to me" she whined with that cute ass puppy face. I smirked.

"okay what's up" i said while smirking.

"you know that i like you a lot and i want you to be my girlfriend" she said then smiled. What do I say? Kenzie's playing with me and im sure she's gonna be doing this for awhile. Also lilia said why try to date someone who's not gay for you when you can date someone who actually likes you back. I know what ima say.

"i wanna be your girlfriend too" i said while smiling. She kissed my lips.

"will you be my girlfriend?" She asked while smiling really hard.

"yes baby girl" I said while smirking. maybe I'll regret this later. Maybe I won't. Or maybe this is what was meant to happen. Maybe me and kenz were just meant to be friends.

Waste My Time 💝 ~ mackannieWhere stories live. Discover now