10 - its always been you❤

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~mackenzie pov

Lauren came over so we can talk about the party last night. She came in my room with a bowl of hot fries while saying.

"i know this isnt apart of my diet but it's super good and i havent had it in a long time" she said while closing the door and getting in bed next to me. I chuckled.

"laur you do you" I said with a smile. She looked at me.

"we love a supportive sister" she said in a girly voice. We started laughing together. John opened the door and we calmed down and looked at him.

"anyone wanna hoop with us?" He asked with the basketball in his hand.

"no we're good" I said

"wait who's us?" Lauren asked

"me and justin" he said

"ugh no I'll pass this time" she said

"justin doesnt like you anyways lauren" john said with a smirk then closed the door and left. Lauren looked at me.

"wanna watch a movie?" She asked

"actually...can we talk?" I asked her softly. She looked at my hands because i was fidgetting with my phone and then she looked me in the eyes.

"is it annie related?" She asked

"will you hate me if it was?" I asked. She smiled and jumped next to me. She was now sitting next to me.

"no i love this gay stuff" she said. I chuckled.

"so what are you gonna tell me?" she asked with a smile.

"it's about annie an-" i said until she cut me off.

"you like her, i know" she said then started smiling. H-how she know?

"how'd you know?" I asked. She giggled.

"have you seen the way you two acted around each other? I mean if you didnt want people to know you liked her back do what you did to her at home in private" she said. I started tearing up and she hugged me.

"its okay kenzie, what's wrong?" She asked while hugging me.

"i..i like her..a lot too" I confessed while crying in her arms. Lauren rubbed my back.

"im glad you admited to it everything will be fine stop crying i still love you okay" she said. We broke the hug and i wiped my tears.

"do you think she'll love me after playing with her emotions?" I asked while calming down. I sniffled.

"yes, she's genuinely in love with you mackenzie. Have you seen the way she looks at you and god if you could see the way you looked back at her it was like a fucking romantic movie" she said. I chuckled softly and i smiled and she did too.

"im bisexual as fuck, why'd i play with her like that..i gotta tell her" I said

"yes! Finally mackannie will be real! But why'd you wait til the end of the year to tell her?" She asked

"because i didnt wanna admit it to her that i liked her..god im such a pussy!" I said. Lauren smiled.

"you better eat her out for playing with her" she said. I blushed.

"she gotta eat me out first that's just a rule" I said while blushing. We started giggling.

Later that night

Mackenzie's house

11:00 pm

~annie pov

Waste My Time 💝 ~ mackannieWhere stories live. Discover now