8 - just fuck with me😩

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~annie pov

I'm with kenzie right now in the hallway. We're at her locker talking about stuff. Im wearing this and she's wearing this.

 Im wearing this and she's wearing this

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"hold this" she said then handed me this big ass history book

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"hold this" she said then handed me this big ass history book.

"what are you doing? Cleaning out you're locker?" I asked

"yah schools almost out tomorrow is the last day and since i didn't clean it out a long time ago im doing it now" she explained. I just looked at her lips the whole time. Which made me want to kiss them so badly😩. She took her history book back and put it in her locker. She closed it and looked at me and smiled.

"you look so in love with me" she said softly while looking me deep in the eyes. I smiled.

"because i am" I said. She looked at the ground and smiled. I saw her blushing a little too. Does that mean she likes me?

"im still waiting for you to give up already on this im straight thing" I said. She looked me in the eyes and her smiled faded.

"annie i am, you want proof?" She said. I looked at her up and down.

"..n-not really" I said softly.

"just know that i am" she said

"just fuck with me already" i whined. She smiled and grabbed my chin and said.

"no" she said then let go of my chin and walked away. I slammed my head back against the locker and sighed deeply in frustration. I saw jayden come up to me.

"whats going on?" She asked. I didnt say anything.

"kenzie?" She asked. I sighed softly then nodded. She put her hand on my shoulder and said.

"rant to me about it" she said. I mean she gave me the opportunity.

"i just dont understand why she keeps playing with me just give up already and tell me you like me i wanna be yours and be happy with you like why doesnt she understand!?" I shouted to her. She patted my shoulder while saying. We started walking.

"keep going" she said while we started walking.

After school

Zach's party

~mackenzie pov

I'm at zach's party and surprisingly annie isnt here. Shes a real party animal. I'm with lauren and nadia and we're dancing and having fun until zach comes up to us. He's wearing this.

He came up to us and said

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He came up to us and said.

"hey can i dance with you Mackenzie?" He said

"yes you can totally dance with her" lauren said with a smile

"have fun you guys" nadia said while smirking and then they left us alone. I looked at zach and chuckled nervously and he smiled.

"i think you're a good dancer and i really wanna learn from you" he said with a sweet smile. I smiled.

"oh thanks and i can totally teach you just follow me" I said. I started dancing and he watch me then he soon got the dance pattern and started dancing with me. We started laughing and having fun while dancing with each other. We danced for about 3 minutes then he grabbed my hand taking me off the dance floor to the kitchen.

"lemme get you a drink" he said with a smile. He got me some punch and he got himself a cup too. We drank it and we talked some more. I started getting feels for him. I dont know why. It was like weird feels but i liked him. Inside my head i felt like he was super hot. So im like why dont i have fun with him.

"you're so beautiful" he said while looking me in the eyes.

"you're so cute" I said while smiling. A slow song came on and he leaned in and kissed me. One was in the kitchen so i turned it into a make out and 15 seconds later we went upstairs and started having sex. Look if annie would do this right in my face then why can't i? She knew that shit hurt me deep down inside...actually she didn't...because im playing with the poor girl and also slowly breaking her little heart😞.

1 hour later..

"you're so great, you took my dick skills so good" he said while smiling. I couldnt help but think about annie. It was just annie annie annie the whole time while i was fucking him. I felt bad.

"..yah i did" I said then smiled slightly. He kissed me again.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me while looking me so deep in the eyes.

"yes" I said. What?! Why'd you say yes bitch?!?! He kissed me again.

"i love yo ass already" he said softly then laid in between my legs and fell asleep on my coochie. One day annie will sleep there😩🖤.

Waste My Time 💝 ~ mackannieWhere stories live. Discover now