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§ || D R A C O || §



The two were entangled; two vines growing forever together. Tentative no more; lovers. The slytherin house had started to treat him as an "adopted slytherin" and accepted the fact that they slept together.

'Let's play Truth or Dare.'


Harry's beautiful mess of hair was pitch-black, and it tangled too easily in his fingers.

'It doesn't matter. Let's play.'


Harry was asleep already. Draco kissed him softly on the lips, then laid next to him, gently stroking Harry's cheek and smiling just slightly.

Draco awoke, tangled in the sheets, flushed. "So, you were dreaming about somebody..." Pansy said from across the room, tying her shoes.

"You aren't supposed to be in the boy's..... Ugh. Just get out. I need to dress." Draco glowered at her and tried to force his cheeks to cool, cursing himself for that strange dream. He would never kiss Potter. Ever. The boy wasn't even cute! Well.....

No, no, he's not! What is wrong with my brain? Draco sighed and face-palmed. Pansy was still there.

"What do you want?"

Pansy giggled. "You're so far back in the closet you're almost in Narnia!" She laughed and smirked, yet Draco was confused. "What is 'Narnia'? And why is it in a closet?" Pansy laughed so hard tears gathered in her eyes. "Ask Ha- Ha- Harry. He knows about muggle stuff..." She broke off into laughter again, and Draco gave an exasperated sigh.

"Anyways, I'm not in a closet. I'm in bed, so can you get out and let me dress??" Pansy danced out of the room, meeting with Luna, her girlfriend. Draco could barely hear them whispering.

"They are otp."


"I love love."

"I love you!"

"Pansy, stoppit!"

Their lovey-dovey nature made Draco want to gag. Then they kissed, and Draco had to yell at them to get out before dressing.

What was otp? Why were they talking about love?

Draco didn't know, but he did know that he was going to be extra mean to Harry today. After all, he had no right to Draco's dreams. No right at all.

§ || H A R R Y || §

Harry woke. No dreams, as far as he could tell. Ron, however, blushed beneath his covers on the other side of the room. Dreaming about Hermionie, no doubt. "Hey, Ron!" Harry called, probably waking up the rest of the room. It was time to get up, anyways... Ron jolted awake, blushed at seeing Harry awake.

"You were dreaming about Hermionie. Honestly, can't you just ask her out?"

Ron blushed more. "I-I-I was not- Well- I- Really! Harry! God-You-Don't- Don't you dare tell her." He sputtered. Harry just laughed. They were a cute couple.

It was too bad Harry didn't have anyone to dream about like that, but recently, Ron had started to drop hints about Ginny, and her crush on him.

Though at that time, Harry was a bit of a celebrity, and pretty much every girl had a crush on him, like the Shawn Mendes of the wizarding world. (Harry and Ron had laughed when Hermionie had made this comparison one day in the common room)

Some Prefect called that it was time for breakfast, and Harry got dressed quickly, chatting and joking with Ron. They then met Hermionie in the common room. The trio made their way to breakfast.

'~ L A T E R ~'

"Hey! Potter!"

A clear voice rose above the normal chatter of breakfast, from the Slytherin table. A sigh escaped Potter's lips as he turned around to face Draco. Upon seeing Harry's face, Draco appeared to flush a bit; from anger, embarrassment or something else, Harry would never know.

"What, Malfoy? Do you need something?" Harry's tone was scornful, fed up with all the years up putting up with the handsome blonde. Yes- Handsome. Harry wasn't trying to fool himself.

With the silver eyes as if moonlight was reflecting on a lake, with high cheekbones and thin lips, with a mess of blonde hair.... Yes. Draco Malfoy was handsome.

But, more importantly, extremely infuriating.

"Truth or dare?" As Malfoy said this, his mouth turned up in a sly smile, and he raised his eyebrows at Harry. Harry, however, shook his head. he knew from experience that Truth or Dare only led to either one of two things: Someone hurt, or someone kissing.

Harry had to stop himself from imagining him kissing Draco.

No- Malfoy. he had to refrain from using the first name; it was too private. It was too coupleish. Or friendish, and Harry currently wanted to be neither with this boy.

"No. No. I will never play Truth or Dare with you, Dra- Malfoy."

Hermionie grinned from next to him, and looked over her shoulder to say something to Malfoy. "What, you afraid of a kiss? With Draco?" She made a kissing face and grinned as both of the boy's faces turned red and they tried to sputter at her that they weren't 'Like that.'

Hermionie only smirked and turned back to Ron.

Harry coughed.

"Fine, Malfoy. Try me. But.... No kissing. That's the rule."

"No kissing."

The game had begun as the two shook hands from different tables, and Hermionie, Ron, Luna, and Pansy all simultaneously made 'Awww!' sounds and said something alone the lines of "They're holding hands!"

Harry and Draco immediately dropped each other's hands like live wires and nodded at each other instead, their cheeks pink.

Luna smiled at another Ravenclaw and whispered,

"I wonder if they can keep that rule."

|| E n d o f C h a p t e r ||

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