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§ || B O T H || §

The next night, Harry saw Pansy in the corridor right before lights-out.

"Hey, Pansy! Would you let me in the Slytherin common room? I want to surprise Draco." Pansy smirked, her black bob of hair bouncing as she shook her head. Right as Harry was about to argue, Pansy said something.

"Look behind you, idiot." The violet eyes sparkled as Harry turned around. There was Draco.

"Frick~! Draco!! How do you- Augh- You're so annoying! How do you always....... sigh. You are infuriatingly..." Draco looked as shocked as Harry when Harry had started to talk, but he started to smile when Harry said that he was annoying, and he mockingly ran a hand through his hair, mimicking Harry's quirk.

Harry was thinking that he was infuriatingly handsome, but he had stopped himself just in time, with the word still on his lips.

"Infuriatingly....?" Draco prompted, flattening his own hair, and Harry sighed.


Draco looked like he was remembering something; probably something about Pansy. "Hey, what's Narnia?" Harry was confused, then his mind caught up to the quick change of subject.

"Uh, it's a muggle world which you get teleported to if you go into a closet. It's not real, though- it's from a book. Why?" Draco still looked confused, and Harry wondered if he was really that bad at explaining. But then, Draco spoke up.

"Pansy said I was so deep in the closet that I'm almost in Narnia."

Pansy smirked while Harry blushed slightly, surprised. "What does that mean?" Draco questioned, brow furrowed.

"I..... I don't..... Well..... Draco...." Harry coughed, unable to suppress this comment.

"Are you gay?"

Draco flushed. First a delightful shade of pink, then a deeper red that climbed up his neck.

"What? I mean, no. I mean, yes. I mean...... I don't know." Harry grinned and suddenly became very interested in the smears on his glasses, taking them off.

"I see. Now, I think you have something to ask me."

Draco flushed, and Harry started to think this wasn't the best thing to say after that confession.

"It goes, Truth or Dare?" Harry prompted, happy at the relieved look on Draco's face.

"Truth or Dare, Harry?"

Pansy had walked off at some point, and Harry and Draco went into that abandoned corridor they had played in the other day.

"Truth." Draco sighed, throwing some "Blueberry Bliss" protein bar wrapper at Harry, which had been laying in the hallway, abandoned. On the side was scrawled "Cath + Levi". A couple in the castle, probably. Harry felt slightly jealous of the love that was so obvious there.

"Booring!! Come on, can I just slightly threaten your life?" Draco whined, sprawling across the floor in a relaxed way, playing with his wand as he laid on his back. Harry grinned.

"No. Remember? I'm the boy who lived. You'll make Voldy jealous."

Draco laughed, and it was so pure and good and happy that it made Harry laugh, and then they were just laughing together.

So hard they were on the ground and their stomachs just kind of hurt, and they were gasping for air, and their eyes were kind of teary because they kept on stopping, then one of them would crack up again, and it would start again.

"Okay, Potter, just- pfft- stop!! You're making my stomach hurt!" Draco laughed, sitting back up against the wall. His hair was dusty from sweeping the ground, and messy, looking just like Harry's- but blonde. His eyes sparkled.

Harry, on the other hand; his glasses had gotten knocked askew just a bit, and his green eyes sparkled just like Draco's.

"Okay. Umm, Truth, right?" Draco continued without waiting for an answer.

"Y-" Harry started to anyway, but was quickly cut off.

"Do you currently have a crush on anyone, and if you do, what do they look like?"

Harry stopped to think.

Who made him laugh the most?

Who made him embarrassed?

Who made him blush?

Who did he think was cute?


Harry answered, looking Draco straight in the eye.

"They have blonde hair, and the most beautiful silver eyes." Draco's brow furrowed as he tried to think of a girl like that.

Luna Lovegood?

Harry was thinking not of Luna, nor of any other girl.

He was thinking of a boy.

A boy named Draco.

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