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- B O T H -

At the breakfast table, no matter the attempts of conversation from Draco, Harry ignored them, only answering with short one-words. He broke the rule he set himself. No kissing. And he went and dared Draco to. So, he finally asked something of Draco.

"Why did you do the dare?"

Draco looked shocked that Harry would acknowledge that. The kiss last night, the one Harry seemed to want to avoid at all costs. The one that Draco would've avoided at all costs.

What changed?

"Well........" Hermionie and Ron were watching, so Draco scrambled to find something wonderfully indirect.

"I wanted to."

Harry's mind went blank; because really, he hadn't had a love interest at all before, save Ginny, who he was very sure had a crush on Luna. Draco liked him. Draco liked him. And all Harry could do was wisecrack.

Harry started nodding.

"Oh. Yeah. Of course. I mean, you could've chosen tru-" Harry mimicked Draco cutting him off, and Draco's ears went pink.

Harry's cheeks were pink as well, and though Draco tried to be secretive, Hermionie and Ron watched with amused knowledge. "They totally kissed." Hermionie whispered to Ron, and he nodded, grinning. "Why can't they get that they're gay already?" They giggled, and Harry and Draco looked over, cheeks flaming.

"SHUT UP!!" They yelled together, though they hadn't heard the whispering, only the giggles.

"Whaat?" Hermionie tried to look innocent, but with her rather bushy hair, she just looked like she was plotting something.

~ L A T E R ~

It was the same corridor as always, the same question.

"Truth or Dare, Harry?" Draco leaned against his wall languidly, as if floating in water. Harry swallowed. Draco had finally called him by his first name, as Harry had dared.

"Draco, should we just.... Stop this? I mean, it was stupid anyways and really-"

Draco sighed loudly, cutting Harry off with that sigh instead of the much-sweeter kiss Harry would've secretly preferred.

Harry. "Draco?"

Draco. "Harry, No. We came this far, we're not stopping."

Harry again. "Draco, what's the point? The goal? There is none, but leaving no secrets uncovered."

Draco. "Come on, Harry, do you really want to stop?"

Harry sighed, getting up from the dusty ground and stopping to notice again a bit of litter, a notebook lying. He picked up the notebook. A muggle sort, with no title on the cover.

"I'll just read this, then go to bed again. Truth or Dare really does have no point."

"No, Harry. If you're not going to play, then we're going to read that together. Why are you ignoring me? Avoiding me?"

"You know why."

Draco smiled slightly and pulled Harry back to the ground beside him with a sweet tug of his sleeve. "Come on. What does it say?"

Harry started to read.

"There was a boy in her room. Cath looked up at the number painted on the door, then down at the room assignment in her hand...."

As Harry read, Draco leaned into him to see the book better, which made heat climb from Harry's feet all the way to his hairline. Hours might've passed, and they were reading about Cath and Levi, sleepily kissing after reading a book together.

Draco glanced at Harry.

No, he didn't, that was just Harry's imagination.

But the scene was set.

Harry turned to Draco, dog-earing the book page and setting it on the floor. "Draco-"


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