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He woke, eyes bleary with sleep. It was mid-afternoon, so he either slept for a whole day or a few hours. Hermionie was crouching near him, looking at him with a mixture of concern and disgust.

"Hermionie?" Harry blinked a few times, sitting up, and finally realized what she saw. The Boy Who Lived, sprawled on the couch with messy hair, tired eyes, and a type of exhaustion in every movement. She saw a depressed teenage boy, instead of her best friend, instead of The Boy Who Lived.

Harry sat up straighter, flattened his hair, and put on his glasses. "Hermionie?" She shook her head and dropped onto the couch next to him, pushing his legs off her end. Her head found her hands, brown hair curling around her wrists.

"Harry. I'm so sorry...." Harry's heart stuck in his throat. What had she done? What had she and Draco done?

Slept together? Why was this the first thing Harry's mind went to? Perhaps Hermionie had been self-harming. Why was this the second thing his mind jumped to?

"Are you okay, Hermionie?" He asked instead, awkwardly patting her head.

"Draco told me about.... About...." She sniffed. Harry froze. So it was about Draco. He steeled himself for whatever was coming next.

"About what?" He prompted, trying not to snap.

"You were crying. I'm sorry for whispering, Harry.... It's just, we were trying to do something nice for you, we missed your birthday, you know, and you always hear everything in the castle...."

Harry's guilt crashed down on him, like every brick in the castle had suddenly decided right now would be a great time to crumble. He felt..... Terrible, actually.

He had been crying about something nice they were trying to do for him.

He was holding a grudge for something that was amazing.

"No, Hermionie, ugh.... I'm so sorry. Just..... Okay." The words on the tip of his tongue kept disappearing, so Harry stopped trying and hugged his friend.

He would never again do that, he promised himself.

Harry let go of Hermionie and smiled at her. "Okay. Thank you, and I'm sorry for not trusting you."

Instead of sleeping that night, Harry pet Hedwig and stared out the window at the night sky. Stars and infinite, until he forgot about everything.

(I'll stop with the comments now)

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