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§ || H A R R Y || §

"Hey. Potter."

Harry woke the next morning to a voice that was smooth, with laugh hidden in the tone. In his half-asleep state, Harry just buried his face in his pillow. "Mm."

The voice made a strangled sound, coughed, then reassembled itself. "It's me. Draco."

Harry sat up sleepily, running a hand through his hair and squinting at the face of the slytherin. "Who let you in here?" Draco smirked, mimicking Harry, who was running another hand through his hair. Draco raised a hand and slid his own fingers through his locks. Afterwards, the blonde hair stood up, looking....

Well, incredibly cute.

"I have friends." Draco smirked again while Harry's cheeks turned pink.

"Why are you here, exactly?"

"Truth or dare."

"Oh, Merlin, it's midnight!"

Draco grinned. "Does that mean you're not coming?"

"I didn't say that."

§ | | D R A C O | | §

Draco entered the common room and went into the boy's room with the help of a winking Hermionie, who made him promise not to tell Harry who helped Draco out.

Harry was sleeping, eyes closed and black hair messy in the bed-head. Draco's heart got stuck in his throat as he saw green eyes flutter open to meet his, and a smile start to form.

Then Draco remembered to hate him.

"Hey. Potter." How he wished to say Harry. He almost laughed at how stupid he sounded, but he got over it. Harry rolled over and buried his face in the pillow.


Draco was brought back to his dream the previous night; where Harry was lying next to him in bed; where everything was warm and soft and.....

Draco made a strangled noise and brought himself back to the present.

They exchanged dialogue for a couple minutes, and then, Draco turned his back while Harry got dressed. Though, he saw a flash of bare, muscled back when turning, and again, his heart stuck in his throat.

'~ L a t e r ~'

§ || H A R R Y || §

"My turn, first." Draco announced once they were in an uninhabited corridor. Harry sighed.

"I wouldn't have suggested anything less."

Draco seemed to be waiting for something, though Harry didn't quite know what. They slunk down along the hallway, their backs against the wall. They faced each other.

"Well, dummy?" Draco suddenly burst out, annoyed.


"Say, Truth or Dare?!"

"Oh, yeah. Truth or Dare, Malfoy?" It would be best if Malfoy chose Truth. It would be amazing to finally get the full story of his life; of his love life.

Not that Harry cared, of course. "Dare." Well, it would've been invading his privacy anyway. Trying to think of a good dare, Harry tapped his fingers against his lips. Well, there was always Quidditch, and after dark, that would be especially rebellious. There was always the romantic things, like kiss pansy! but Harry wasn't in the mood for watching Draco kiss his best friend. The forbidden forest? ..... Hmm...

"Hurry up!" Draco snapped, impatient. Harry was irritated by this, as it was Draco who suggested Truth or Dare, so he decided to be evil.

"You will fly on your broomstick, into the forbidden forest, stay there for ten seconds, then you will come back. And you have to come back with something that proves you were there." Draco started to grin.

"What?" Harry said in shock; Draco should've been scared. Instead, the idiot just sat there grinning. "Yeah, fine. We'll do your turn tomorrow."

Harry was seriously scared of the grinning face that Draco was sporting....

And Draco walked off. Harry stayed there for a couple of minutes, confused, then realized Draco was going to take the dare seriously. He was going to get his broomstick. Harry at first was smug, then started to panic once it had been a while. What if Draco had been eaten by.... He didn't even know. Some giant man-eating creature?

Harry's imagination only made it worse, and soon enough, Harry jumped up to save his enemy. Yet before Harry was back in the common room, he heard a voice behind him.

"Thought I couldn't do it, Potter?"

Draco was standing behind him, with a stick of fallen tree-branch in his hand.

Harry let out a sigh and ruffled Draco's hair, which made him curse loudly and try to smooth it back down, then, angrily, Draco reached up to ruffle the taller boy's hair.

With Draco's hands in his hair, Harry could say he was a second from pushing his lips to his.

Then Harry pulled away, rubbed his eyes with his hands, to rub away that thought....

"Good game, Potter."

As Draco left, Hermionie popped out from no-where and commented slyly on Harry's mussed hair suggestively. Harry shrugged her away and went to bed, grinning, adrenaline making his heart rush.

Yes, it was definitely the adrenaline. Not something else.

Harry laid awake, thinking of the infuriating blonde.

Oh god, this is getting bad, isn't it? He thought. I'm lying awake at night thinking of him.

This is getting to look like a really cheesy fan-fiction.

Of course, it wasn't.

Harry fell asleep after that thought.

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