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It was the same night in the corridor. "Well?" Draco prompted.

"What's her name?"

Harry grinned. He was feeling especially brave after a bit of butter-beer at dinner this night, and after the laughter, he felt drunk from happiness. "It's not a her. Try a him."

Draco still didn't understand, his thoughts whirling. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, was gay? At the very least bisexual.... What boy had blonde hair and silver eyes?

Harry waited for Draco, but the idiot still didn't get it.

"Give me a hint, Potter." Harry sighed, a laugh in his voice.

"They're in slytherin...." Draco thought hard, but he knew no one like that. "Another!"

"They're very close to me right now." Draco was even more confused.

"And my crush's name is Draco Malfoy."

Draco's head finally clicked. "Wh-Wh-Whaaat?" A blush rose from Draco's neck, bright red, to his hairline. "You're not allowed to lie in Truth Or Dare, Potter."

Harry moved to Draco's side of the corridor, who, uncomfortable, stood up. Harry did so as well.

"Fine, Potter. I suppose.... It makes sense you'd be enamored with my beautiful hair...."

Harry snorted as the boy ran his hand through his, admittedly, finely groomed mess of blonde locks. "Shut up, Malfoy." They were both standing now, and Draco's cheeks felt like they were heated by fire, or something even hotter.

"Draco..... Truth or dare?" Draco tried to bite his lip to keep down an unbidden smile. Really, he didn't know why he was smiling. There was no reason to, anyhow.

Dare would be the best thing to do.

The most Slytherin thing to do.

And it would be the most Draco thing to do.


Harry looked smug, and Draco almost took it back for truth, but then- No. HE was not going to be scared of this.... adorable, infuriating idiot.

"Fine. I dare you to...."

Harry looked thoughtful, but soon the stretch of silence became too long, like something was stifling the air between them with freezing water. Green eyes finally rested upon Draco's face- high cheekbones, full lips, annoyingly sharp widow's peak that reminded Harry of a book character; Baz. A Vampire. And how much did Draco look like a vampire, honestly? Harry couldn't help imagining those lips poised by his neck, an open mouth, the pain that would follow.

Instead of the pain, what if Draco's full lips met Harry's instead? What then? He could imagine each detail.

Then again....

Why would Harry imagine if he could Dare?

"To?" Draco felt Harry memorizing his face, the green pupils shining and making Draco's stomach erupt with butterflies. Stupid butterflies. He chastened himself.

I'm not a love-struck schoolgirl.

"I dare you to kiss me."

Draco swallowed painfully as he watched Harry's cheeks turn a slight shade of apple-blossom pink..

Those green eyes, and the beautifully messy hair....

"Draco? Do you want to do Tru-"

Draco cut him off with a kiss.

Draco held the back of Harry's head with his palm, as if he were forcing it. Draco's other hand found the front of Harry's shirt to grasp, while Harry was frozen. Draco tasted like sweet lemon candy and basil, and to Draco, Harry's taste was of cherries and a type of unidentifiable sort of thing, like peppermint and smiles all mixed together.

Seconds passed with Harry stuck in a simple standing position, arms drooping by his sides, when Draco started to break away. Harry tried to think of a way to tell him what he wanted, and what that was was to crush Draco's lips back onto his, to fucking roll around on the floor with him. But neither of those things would happen.


Harry gave a shaky laugh, trying to cover the heartbreak that that was just a dare, Draco was just doing the dare. He was trying to cover the fact that for Harry, it wasn't just a kiss. It was the start of a universe.

"That was..... Draco Malfoy, you have just made me gay."

Draco coughed.

Trying to make a joke, ending up making it awkward.


Harry sighed before Draco could respond or even laugh.

"Next time, I dare you to call me Harry. Not Potter. Just.... Harry. Bye, Draco."

I love you.

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