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His dreams, in fact, were not better than real life. But they weren't worse, either.

They were like swimming through a thick blood jelly.

Everything tasting like iron and dust; moving slowly and each breath stale inside his mouth. Each clot jostling him with strange words like parseltongue curses. Each dream was a haze. Never quite a full scene, but images flashing before your eyes before death.

Hisses of silent darkness ran fingers down Harry's back, and tangles of thoughts became monsters playing on each platform of rope.

One snippet of dream was a memory.

A green light; ebbing and flowing like a living thing, and pain like nothing before. A type of pain to take your breath away and make tears pour down your cheeks before you knew what was happening. Instead of the pain in his forehead, it was instead centered in his chest. Worse with each awful beat of his treacherous heart.


Love was....





Love was pointless.

Too bad Harry felt it.

No point in waking when everyone ignored you just the same. No point in living when it wouldn't matter to anyone if you were dead. No point in even speaking when your words weren't heard by anybody.

Harry knew all of this was false, but the chaos in his head was so loud it drowned it every other reasonable thing to say. Only- sleep.

Sleep was so much easier than real life.

It was the easiest way of escaping.

Harry slept.

(Sorry about the short chapter. I wrote this at like midnight and I was exhausted but I'll write a longer one tomorrow.)

*cries quietly*

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