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Harry turned to Draco, dog-earing the page and setting the book on the floor. "Draco...."

His voice was soft and pliable, like clay. Draco's eyes were sleepy as he set them on Harry, and he smiled slightly. "Kinda wanna take back that rule...." He mumbled, smile quirking up on one side.

Everything was blurry from keeping back sleep, and Draco was leaning on Harry's shoulder. But he looked towards Harry and tilted his head slightly, taking a hand up and placing it tentatively on the back of Harry's neck, where his hair was short and soft.

Harry kissed Draco then. Not the type of kisses you see in movies, or hear about in books, where everything was big and perfect. No.

This kiss was..... Their mouths were pushed against each other sweetly, pressure and slight warmth. Draco's mouth kept drifting open slightly, small movements. Harry's hands slowly moved to the back of Draco's head to grasp his hair, which Draco would've been annoyed at (Potter! Stop ruining my hair!) But Harry doubted he would really care at that moment.

All Harry cared about was letting the kiss go on.

With a soft sort of resolve, they drew apart.

Harry's sleepy mind led him to curling up in Draco's arms, Draco sitting against the wall with Harry's head at his chest. He never picked the book back up. He just tucked his nose into Draco's neck and slept.

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