Chapter 3: Oh No! It's the Nero Taxi!

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"You shouldn't have done that." Valkyrie said as Ghastly started driving to the Sanctuary in Roarhaven. Bit by bit, their plan was quite quickly being demolished by a wrecking ball of guilt and a deconstruction crew of trauma.

"Valkyrie this is serious! Skulduggery is keeping a secret that is killing him! If you know something, which I know you do, speak up! Don't let your friend, our friend, silently suffer." Ghastly proclaimed.

"He's already dead." Valkyrie feebly joked. That earned her a few feeble laughs from Dexter and glared from Ghastly and Anton.

"Valkyrie..." Shudder began in that menacing lecture voice your parents use when they want you to clean your room.

"Okay! I know! I found out accidently but it's not my secret to tell. If you want to know, ask Skulduggery." Valkyrie interrupted instinctively, the fear of having to tidy her room still lingering in Shudders words. The rest of the ride was driven in an awkward silence and Skulduggery was still unconsious when they arrived at the sanctuary, so the Dead Men caried him to the medical bay.

When Skulduggery finally regained conciousness, the Dead Men were crowded around his hospital bed watching him. I can't belive Dr Synecdoche allowed that. As soon as he opened his waxy eyes, he was bombarded by questions, the main one being 'Just tell us what's bothering you, you'll feel better.'.

"Leave him alone guys. Can't you see he's healing." Valkyrie stated inaccurately. Skulduggery shuffled his position, so he was sitting up.

"No Valkyrie. They deserve to know, even though I will be imprisioned afterwards and no longer friends." Skulduggery replied with trepidation.

Skulduggery took a deep breath then said, "I... After my death... I... I became someone different. I became a necromancer, the Death Bringer. I fought on Mevolents side of the war. I was the third general. I am Lord Vile..." Skulduggery recoiled a little, expecting something, anything, but all he recieved was silence.

Then suddenly the Dead Men burst into hysterics.

"You really had us for a moment there," chuckled Ravel.

"As if your Lord Vile!" Dexter managed, laughing his ass off. Skulduggery looked relived and heartbroken at the same time.

"I would love to see you prove it." Giggled Saracen. Giggled. He actually giggled! All of a sudden, Smoke (The person, soul corrupting guy) teleported into the middle of the room, using the Nero Taxi (You know how Fletcher once said he wasn't a taxi? Well that gave me an idea to call Nero, the Nero Taxi! And Fletcher, the Fletcher bus!), and lunged for Skulduggery, touched him, then vanished. No one registered who touched Skulduggery.

"Skulduggery?" Valkyrie and Ghastly asked warily, for an evil smile was spreading across his facade.  He then stood up, darkness begining to leak from his chest. It seeped through his clothes, momentarily staining them and leaving them damp, but the damage vanished as quickly as it appeared. The darkness then began to bubble angrily and it ate away at Skulduggery, who was suddenly encased in an oh too familiar set of armour. Lord Viles armour. All smiles dropped from faces.

"He wasn't lying..." Uttered Ghastly in shock.

Suddenly Ravel bellowed, "TRAITOR!" (Coming from him)

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