Chapter 4: The Cat's Out Of The Bag And Scratching Your Face

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Lord Vile stood there voluntarily trapped in silence, and cocked his head to the side, reminisent of Skulduggery.

"Run!" Screamed Valkyrie, "He's under Smokes infuence! His soul is corrupted!" With new found anger to temporarily mask their shock, the Dead Men sprinted as fast as they could, called Fletcher and teleported the hell out of there.

"Where's Skulduggery?" Asked the Fletcher bus worriedly, once they arrived in Chinas library.

"Skulduggery's gone..." Replied Ravel, his voice melancholy. At that moment China was walking in, and that comment stopped her in her tracks. She dropped down to her knees, looked upwards and threw her hand in the sky.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Skulduggery can't be gone! What do you mean, he's gone?" China wailed frantically, not too dissimilar to a cat dunked in water.

"Skulduggery... It turns out he was Lord Vile this whole time, and now Smoke has corrupted his soul, turning him into Lord Vile once again." Announced Saracen. A look of suprise passed Chinas face, then she stood up, brushed down her skirt and regained her composure, wondering if she could ever reatain her dignity. 

"Well that's completely different," Stated China. Ghastly suddenly burst into tears while looking irate, sobs racking his body.

"My best friend murdered my mother!" Cried Ghastly aghast, while chocking on sobs.

"Skulduggery is Lord Vile! And he's angry at my for helping kill his family! He's murdered countless familes!" Wailed China before whinging, "Hypocrite!"

"Guys! This is a serious quandry! Skulduggery is a formidable opponent  and is basically unstoppable when he's Vile." Bellowed Valkyrie, suprising everone with her advanced vocabulary.

"Wait... You knew!" Since you can describe what he's like as Lord Vile this has happened before. Why didn't you tell us?" Interuppted Ghastly.

"The only way to stop Vile is for me to emotionally connect with him to break Smokes influence, while someone of equal power fights him." Continued Valkyrie, ignoring Ghastly.

"How are we supposed to find someone with enough power to do that?" Questioned Shudder.

"You know how Skulduggery had a secret?" Valkyrie began, loooking around at nodding heads, "Well I have a secret as well. I am Darquesse. If something goes wrong while I am fighting Vile, i will need you to stop me at any cost, even my life, but preferably not my life." The Dead Men were staring at her, jaws nearly touching the floor. They had that 'Wha the?' expression on their faces.

"You are the one in the visions. You are going to kill everyone. You... you... you are the... you are the... the detective duo were really the two world breakers." Said Shudder in disbelief. Ghastly started crying again.

"Exactly." Said Valkyrie. They called the Fletcher Bus and teleported back to the sanctuary, grabbed Lord Vile and teleported to Argeddions mountain. Valkyrie closed her eyes and willed Darquesse to come out, but nothing happened.A shadow connected with the side of her face and she launched backwards. Vile slowly started stalking forwards, like a predator coming to devour its prey, already doomed and paralysed in terror. Valkyrie got up and whipped her own shadows at Vile, along with some fire, but he just walked through them, not even fazed. Dexter couldn't stand it anymore, he leapt in front of Valkyrie and threw energy blasts at his 'friend'. All the Dead Men jumped in and stated hitting Vile with everything they had, just as he charged, tentacles springing from his back. He knocked the Dead Men to the side, as if they were little more than flies, and made a beeline for Valkyrie. No, not Valkyrie. Darquesse.

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