Chapter 5: It's All In Your Head

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The Dead Men stood back and watched the two fight in fascination and horror. They didn't intervene, they knew the two people battling up there were not their friends and any attempt to assist one could redirect the two at them.

Ghastly couldn't believe his two friends were really... evil. Or at least their split personalities are. Oh, how Ghastly hoped they had split personalities. If they didn't... No. He couldn't let thoughts like that come to him. Lord Vile is not really Skulduggery. A sane Skulduggery would never have murdered his mother. Murdered his mother... Oh god! Their friendship, it wasn't just all an act, was it? No, it couldn't have been, Valkyrie had said she snapped Skulduggery out of it before. Well, at least she implied it. How could a hero, a ledgend, a friend like Skulduggery have such darkness with in them. Well, who knows what darkness lies in the hearts of men. He could only hope he would get his friend back, his brother, so he could ask him. What he did could hardly be forgiven, but they could try... Ghastly realised his life was a lie. Not only one of his friends was evil, but two. Little, innocent Stephanie. Sharp-tongued, confidant Valkyrie. Insane, murderous Darquesse. She was like a daughter to him, and now... She was going to kill them all. He knew he would have to try and forgive them, acknowledge the fact Skulduggery was probably trying for redemption and Valkyrie was probably trying to make for something she hasn't even done yet.

Ghastly was snapped from his thoughts when he saw two unconsious figures fall from the sky. Valkyrie and Skulduggery. Not Darquesse and Lord Vile, Valkyrie and Skulduggery. Ghastly rushed over to catch Skulduggery with Ravel, while Shudder, Saracen and Dexter went for Valkyrie. Skulduggery weakly raised his skull and appeared to look at Ghastly.

"Ghastly...I-" He began, unsure, scared and undeserving.

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