Chapter 4

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Roman was leaning against his car, smoking his cigarette when he spotted Alyse being shoved out the door by her mother, forcing the young girl to make her way down the steps to him. "There you are. I was beginning to think that you were avoiding me. Then again that's not possible seeing as you're mine and there is nowhere in this town that I can't find you. Did you have a nice heart to heart with your father?"

"It was pleasant. It was about how you're always acting like a controlling dick when it comes to other guys showing the slightest interest in me. Why is that Roman," Alyse asked.

 "I already told you that you're mine. Why would I want other males around my girl," Roman asked.

Alyse rolled her eyes at Roman. "I'm not your girl. I've seen the way you act around other girls. There is no way that you would go and give all that up so you can be in one relationship with one girl."

"I only do that to get a reaction out of you," Roman said.

"Not working. Not interested. Please get out of the way. I told Letha that I would pick her up so that way we can ride to school together; and then get some ice cream and spend some quality best friend time together," Alyse said with attitude dripping from her voice.

Roman smirked. "Yeah about that. I told Letha that there were a change of plans. You're going to be spending the day with me. You hardly spent any time with me over the summer. So I want to make up for lost time."

"We didn't spend any time together because 1) you were busy fucking anything with a vagina and two legs. 2) I was busy hanging out with people who I consider to be my friends. 3) I just plain don't like you. You walk around thinking that every girl should drop their panties when they catch a glimpse of you. Let me be the one to tell you that it doesn't work that way. Not every girl is going to fall for you and hope that you would take notice of them long enough to give them a decent fuck to remember. Now that we cleared that up, you will now be kind and move, so I can get to school and remake the plans that you canceled with Letha for me," Alyse said getting annoyed while trying to make her way around Roman; only to have her arm gripped tightly in Roman's grip.

"Don't think so princess. You and I are riding to school together in my car. We are going to start acting like the loving couple that we're meant to be. As for Letha, don't bother trying to call her for a ride. She's already left for school. Shee-it she might already be at the school right now as we speak. So why don't you hop in the car so we can be on our way. Don't want to be late for our first day as juniors, do we," Roman said knowing he was getting under Alyse's skin.

Alyse rolled her eyes. "Since when did you start caring about school? Normally all you care about is sex, drugs and cigarettes."

Roman forced Alyse in the car, quickly getting in and pulling out of her driveway before Alyse had the chance to get out of his car. "I'm so glad you finally see things my way. I always knew that you would come to accept that we're meant to be together."

 "If that is what helps you sleep at night, then by all means keep thinking it. Even if it is a bunch of bullshit lies," Alyse replied while turning away from Roman. Roman getting tired of Alyse fighting against him. He tried so hard to get her to fall in love with him willingly. But that seemed to be a task that was a lot easier said than done. Roman sighed in annoyance before pulling the car into an alleyway, shutting it off. Alyse turned her attention to Roman giving him a look of confusion. "What the hell are you doing Roman? We're going to be late for school." 

Roman turned to Alyse and looked into her eyes. "School can wait. Right now I want you to make your way over to me and let me fuck you senseless that way you know whose girl you are." Alyse felt as though her body had a mind of it's own as she undid the seatbelt making her way over to Roman, undoing his belt and pants, pulling him out of the. Her eyes widened at the size of Roman's not so little friend. "Are you going to fit?"

"I'm gonna make all of me fit. Though I know this is your first time, seeing as I never did allow another guy to be around you long enough to give him the chance to take what is truly meant to be mine. I'm not gonna lie, it may hurt a little bit, but you will get used to my size. Also you're going to bleed a little bit after I deflower you. Will you allow me to do something after we're finished having sex," Roman asked.

"What," Alyse asked still dazed.

"After I'm done taking your virginity, I want you to allow me to help make you feel better down there. Then we shall head to school. Or depending on how you feel after, we could skip today and go tomorrow," Roman suggested.

Alyse looked at Roman before replying. "I'm willing to do anything you want as long as you are happy." Roman smirked before pulling Alyse onto his lap, lowering her onto himself. Roman let out a moan of pleasure while Alyse gasped at the amount of pain that she was feeling from experiencing sex for the very first time; though Roman's size wasn't much help in easing the pain that she was feeling.

"I know it hurts right now. But I feel the blood from your barrier. It's no longer there baby. Allow me to take it slow and turn all that pain into pleasure," Roman said while grunting a bit.

As Roman started pumping in an out at a slow pace, Alyse kept gasping still adjusting to his huge size. "Did you remember to put a condom on?"

 "Baby we don't need a condom. We're going to be husband and wife soon anyway. I don't see any harm in having a little skin to skin contact. If you just so happen to make me a daddy, well we will be the perfect little family in Hemlock Grove. I have enough money to support us and our baby," Roman said while grunting more. "God I love that you're so damn tight for me baby. It's the best feeling in the world knowing that I'm the only man claiming your feminine temple right now. Your temple is not only going to be worshiped by me, taken care of by me, but heavily guarded by me as well. No other man shall gaze upon your glorious temple known as your body." Roman continued to thrust going a little faster and harder.

"R-R-Ro-Roman! Oh-Oh god! This...this is so wrong! We shouldn't be skipping school for such amazing pleasure," Alyse moaned as Roman thrusted even faster into her.

"Fuck school baby. This is what we need right now," Roman said in between kisses along Alyse's chest, neck and lips. "Oh god yes baby. Lets make the car shake and make it obvious to those passing by what we're doing."

 "Roman," Alyse moaned loudly while cumming all over Roman as he shot his load deep within her. Roman quickly fixed his pants and pushed Alyse into her seat. Before Alyse had time to do anything else, Roman had his head between her legs, lapping up the blood that was now flowing freely from her. "Roman! Roman," Alyse screamed grabbing his head pulling him closer to her. Roman loved it when she did that. 

 He grunted within her and stuck his tongue deeper until both Alyse and him were done. Alyse release Roman's head and watched as he pulled his head up with a smirk on his face. "I've finally had a taste of the precious fruit that has been taunting me for the longest of times."

 Alyse continued to look at Roman panting next to her. "Do you think we can get to school now? Please? I don't think we should miss our first day."

"Only because you were such a good girl. Oh and you will be sleeping at my place with me tonight in my bed," Roman said while starting up the car and driving to school.

"Roman my father would never agree to something like that," Alyse said.

"Oh but he already did. In fact he was the one who suggested it. You can't say no to what your dad wants you to do, unless you want to disappoint him," Roman challenged knowing he had Alyse right where he wanted her. Alyse sighed while looking down. 

 "If my dad suggested it, then I must obey him."

 "Good girl," Roman said while resting his one hand on Alyse's thigh, while using the other to control the car. I hope I don't regret following my father's orders. Though it wouldn't be wise to disobey father. He does have a bit of a temper if one were to disobey what he says, Alyse thought to herself.

His captive possession (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 1Where stories live. Discover now