Chapter 17

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Alyse was at her locker with Roman standing there next to her as she was putting her books away. Alyse then closed her locker, spotting the Sworn twins making fun of Shelly as she did so. Before Roman had a chance to process what was going on, Alyse approached the Sworn sisters giving them both a disappointed look. You two bimbos have a lot of nerve making fun of a beautiful person. Truth is beauty isn't something that is only skin deep. It goes beneath the skin. I guess your true selves are nothing but ugly. The both of you shallow bitches truly sicken me. Get the hell out of my damn sight before I stoop down to your level and do something that I will regret later on." Both Alyssa and Alexa were quick to walk away without saying another word to Alyse or Shelley.

"Thank you. You know you didn't have to do that," Shelley's robotic voice replied.

Alyse turned to look at Shelley. "I only speak the truth, Shelley. You truly are beautiful. Don't let others tell you otherwise. Besides they only look for those who truly believe are weaker than them, so they don't have to face the truth that, they are the ones that are weak." Shelley smiled at Alyse before she walked away.

Alyse was about to walk away herself when someone grabbed a hold of her arm. Turning around Alyse spotted Letha standing there.

"Hey," Letha said kind of excited to see Alyse, though deep down she regretted doing what Roman had wanted her to do, because of the glare she was receiving from Alyse right now.

"What the hell do you want," Alyse asked.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not approaching you on the first day of your return. I didn't know how to approach you honestly. I mean you come back, and you were dating a new guy," Letha began before Alyse cut her off.

"You mean my now ex boyfriend? Yeah I was dating him. But you just didn't seem to care about that did you. What ever did happen to the Letha that wouldn't go behind her friends backs just to hurt them? Did she go away the moment you started hanging out with your cousin Roman," Alyse questioned.

Letha sighed. "I'm sorry. At the time that I kissed him, I didn't know that he was dating someone. He didn't act like he was dating someone. You should be thanking me that I helped you figure that out now, rather than later on down the road."

"There is no reason for me to be thanking you. I'll not let you think of your whore ways as a way of doing good for helping me find out that my boyfriend was a cheater," Alyse said.

"I'm sorry alright? Again I have no control over my hormones, because I'm pregnant. I feel bad enough for causing your boyfriend to cheat on you with me. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I'm pregnant. My mom is also pregnant as well," Letha said.

"What do you mean you're pregnant? How the hell did you freaking manage that without Roman chasing them off," Alyse asked in confusion.

"I was impregnated by an angel. But when I told my father, naturally he didn't believe me. He's still having a hard time coping with the fact I'm pregnant, on top of the fact that your parents have passed away. He said that he tried to write you," Letha said.

"I saw the letter. I don't need any condolences. I know that my parents would want me to move on with my life and live it to the fullest for them. As for your father not believing that you were impregnated by an angel, just give him time. You have to remember Letha, his daughter was touched in a way that only her lover can touch her. As for you kissing Peter, I'm not all that mad at you for that even though I should be. I kept it under wraps from everyone. Though the way Roman reacted to the news, I shouldn't be surprised. He's always been possessive of me when it came to other guys. I'm guessing that while I was gone Roman was seeing other girls," Alyse said.

His captive possession (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 1Where stories live. Discover now