Chapter 7

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 Roman picked up Alyse's bag and made his way to the girls bathroom, looking around to make sure no one was looking before making his way inside. Roman then locked the door behind him, before making his way to the stall that was closed, knocking on it but remained quiet.

Roman listened as the lock to the stall twisted signaling that the door was unlocked. He watched as Alyse slid the door open, only to be greeted by the sight of a pissed off looking Roman standing there. Alyse went to slam the stall door shut, only to have Roman catch it and push it open as well as pushing her back into the bathroom stall.

"I bet you think you're real cut, running away with Letha like that. Tell me little love, did you actually think that you could escape from me like that," Roman asked while slamming and pinning Alyse to the back of the stall.

"I only went with Letha to spend a little girl time with her. I didn't think you would allow me to go with Letha on my own. So I did the next best thing. I didn't meant to anger you. Please allow me to have the rest of today with Letha, and I promise that I will make it up to you tomorrow," Alyse begged Roman.

"I could think of a few ways that you could make up for you running off on me. But I don't want to force you to do anything like that and have you hate me; not when I'm trying to get you to love me. So for now I will settle for a passion filled kiss. Don't hold back on the passion either," Roman said.

Alyse leaned in and started kissing Roman with all the passion that she had within her body. In return Roman let go of Alyse's hands placing one on her waist pulling her closer and the other on the back of her neck to keep the passionate kiss going until the both of their lungs felt on fire with the strong need for air. Roman pulled away looking at Alyse as the both of them gasped for air.

"Let that be proof of my love for you. It hurts me when you push me away. Stop doing that and allow me to be your everything. I promise you that I can take care of you, and give you everything that you need. But I need you to just stop pushing me away and start letting me in. Allow us to become one."

"How can I let you in and allow us to become one, after what you had done to me? I don't know how you managed to get my body to do what you wanted it to do, but the whole time my mind was racing, wondering why my body was listening to your commands. There is no way I can forgive you for doing that to me," Alyse said.

"Well you're going to have to forgive me and move on from what I did, because we are going to get married soon. It was already decided. Besides it was also decided that you will reside with me from Thursday through Sunday. It was already agreed upon. There is no going back on that now. I know what I did was wrong. But I didn't know how else to show you that I'm the only man that you need. I'm the only man that can satisfy you the right way. I know you will see things my way as soon as you accept that we are meant to be," Roman said before kissing Alyse's neck.

"Please take me home now," Alyse begged.

Roman pulled away and looked into Alyse's green eyes with his own. "Did you forget that you are sleeping with me at my place tonight?"

"I didn't forget. But I do need to go home and pack and overnight bag, so that way we both can ride straight to school tomorrow," Alyse replied.

Roman smirked at what Alyse said. "Alright. Don't be late though. I do want to hold my baby in my arms tight."

"I'll be there around 7 then. I do need to pick out the right outfit for tomorrow. As well as grab some clothes for when I do start residing with you at your house. Are you sure you're okay with this arrangement," Alyse asked Roman as he released her and began walking with her out of the stall; making their way out of the woman's bathroom. Both Roman and Alyse made their way out of the ice cream parlor with many girls glaring out of jealousy, wishing they were the ones leaving with the Godfrey boy.

"Baby I'm fine with this arrangement for now. Though I prefer you to stay with me every night. I accept that I have you a few nights out of the week," Roman replied before helping Alyse in the car and getting in himself.

Roman pulled out of the parking lot and made his way to Alyse's house having parked out front of the house.

"Thank you," Alyse said.

"I'll be by to pick you up at 7 tonight. Try not to keep me waiting too long. You know I really don't like waiting," Roman said as Alyse got out of the car. Roman waited until Alyse was in the house before pulling away.


Soon Alyse made her way into the house, she was bombarded with questions from both of her father.

"My precious daughter are you alright? Did he do anything to hurt you," Cornelius asked causing Shayna to look at him confused.

"Why wouldn't our daughter be alright? All that the Godfrey boy did was take her to school and give her a ride home," Shayan said.

Cornelius turned to his wife and gave her a look of concern. "Shayna allow me to talk to our daughter...alone please?"

"Yes darling. Sorry," Shayna said before walking out of the room. Cornelius then turned back to his concerned look back on his daughter. "Did he do anything to you that you didn't want him to do?"

Alyse looked down before looking her father in the eye again. "Father I don't know how to say this without upsetting or disappointing you, so I'm just gonna come out and say it. Roman and I did get intimate. Though my mind was screaming no, my body did the opposite. It's like my body wanted to obey Roman's command and give him what he wanted."

Cornelius looked at his daughter in shock. "I see...did his nose bleed after the command?"

"Yes," Alyse confessed.

He went ahead and mated with my daughter...That no good bastard, Cornelius thought to himself. "Please tell me he used a condom at least."

"He did not. Before you ask, yes he spilled his seed within me. I'm so sorry for disgracing you and the family daddy," Alyse said before lowering her head.

Cornelius gently grabbed a hold of his daughter's chin, before he gently lift her head up so she was looking him in the eye. "You are not a disgrace nor a disappointment my dear. You did no wrong in my eyes. The fault falls on the Godfrey boy. I feared this would happen. My precious daughter as long as you reside here, you are in danger of Roman repeating his actions again. We must get you out of Hemlock Grove. Hell go as far away from Hemlock Grove as you can. Leave the entire state if it means that Roman can't repeat his actions once again."

"Won't Roman search for me until he has me back," Alyse asked.

"That is why I want you to leave Pennsylvania. I'll talk to the school about you transferring. Then you can be safe from the Godfrey boy," Cornelius said. "Now go and pack. I'll help you get to safety and keep look out from prying eyes."  Alyse walked up to her room and began packing a bag for her departure.

His captive possession (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 1Where stories live. Discover now