Chapter 16

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Roman glared at Alyse with anger in his eyes, letting a low growl rise up before he snapped at Alyse. "I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE! I'm innocent in all of this. Maybe it was that gypsy piece of shit who killed those girls!"

"Don't you dare go and call him that again! Peter was there for me when he found out what you had done to me. He comforted me when I needed it. Not once did he go and judge me based on what you forced me to do. If anything Peter made me feel better abut myself when I felt like I was a worthless whore, after the shit you had managed to put me through! So why don't you stop insulting Peter like that and think about the things you've done," Alyse replied.

Roman laughed. "Starting immediately you are not to be left alone with that Peter Rumancek. I don't trust him one bit when it comes to you. If I find the both of you hanging out together by yourselves without me around, I'll lock you in my house and only let you out for school, which I will always be by your side keeping a close eye on you and Peter. If I were you, I would behave myself. You know as well as I do, that it would be wise to listen. People talk all the time, especially about the Godfrey's. Seeing as everyone knows you're back, and that we're engaged. We're both the most highly talked about. So anything that you do to step out of line, well I'll hear about it; especially as girls always love to gossip about me.

Alyse glared at Roman. "Girls are also highly vicious creatures who will stab each other in the back, or spread rumors about any other girl to benefit themselves. So tell me Roman, do you believe everything you hear?"

"Not always. Come along though. Our next class awaits, which is English. And we have an exciting discussion of the chapters of Weathering heights that need to be discussed. Speaking of, did you answer the questions following the assigned reading," Roman asked while leading Alyse out of the stairwell.

"You already know that I did smart ass. I already handed the questions in anyway. So no cheating off my answers," Alyse said as she and Roman made their way to English class.

"I wasn't looking to go and cheat off your answers. Jeez give a guy some slack. I was only making sure that you keep up with the work, especially seeing as you just saw your now ex boyfriend cheating on you," Roman said. "Look you know you don't have to go back to your ex, right? I mean we could go through with the marriage agreement. Think of it this way, you and I become husband and wife and our companies become one, no one will ever be able to touch us, because we will be on top of the world. Shee-it, if you wanted to we could get married in secret now, and secretly merge our companies together to get a head start on a bright future for us and our future family together."

"Roman, even if we were to marry in secret, you aren't in charge of The white tower. Your uncle Norman is in charge until we are of age. Even then I can't just go and sign off my father's company to merge with the your company. My father had placed it in his will that I can only sign to merge our company with yours when we are either married when you come of age, or when I come of age to do so myself," Alyse explained.

"Well when I become of age, and we become husband and wife, you can finish what your father started. I'll be able to take over the whole thing form Norman," Roman said.

"I'll consider it. Permission to head back into the school now, Mr. Godfrey," Alyse asked.

"Permission granted, only if you will allow me to walk you to your class. Then after I walk you to your class, I have something to take care of, but I want you to want for me by your locker after class. Don't move an inch from it either," Roman said.

"Don't worry I won't," Alyse said before walking out of the stairwell with Roman, who grabbed a hold of her hand as they were walking inside the school building.

Alyse felt eyes on her as she and Roman entered the building together. Turning Alyse saw Peter looking at her with a small smile on his face, waving to her in hopes that she would wave back or even give him a small smile in return.

Alyse gave a small wave not noticing that Roman saw the slight action, before they both made her way to her locker.

"You know you should let her go. You'll be much happier when you stop chasing a girl who was never really yours anyway," a female voice said from behind Peter, causing him to turn around and spot Christina Wendell standing there.

"How long were you standing there? Better yet, how the hell did you find out about us? The last I checked, it was just Alyse and myself. I know I didn't tell you . And Alyse doesn't even speak to you," Peter stated.

"Nobody told me anything. Besides the breakup between you two, no secret at all. Everyone here in Hemlock Grove knows that Alyse Stormnight belongs to Roman Godfrey...Even if she doesn't want to confirm it herself," Christina said.

"Listen Hemingway, what happens between Alyse Stormnight, Roman Godfrey and myself is none of your business. I'll find a way to get my girlfriend back from Roman," Peter replied. "I can see it in her eyes that she still has feelings for me."

"First of all, don't call me Hemingway. Secondly you can try and get your 'girl' back, but I'm telling you right now that it will be all in vein. Before she fled Hemlock Grove, many guys tried to date Alyse. But as soon as they heard who she was engaged to, they all backed off real quick. If you were smart, you would go and do the same thing as the others have done before you. It will save you a heck of a lot of trouble in the long run," Christina said before rushing off.

"Oh look! It's the gypsy boy who is dumb enough to go up against Roman Godfrey for his girl. Gypsy must have a death wish," one girl said.

"I heard that he dated Roman's girl while she ran away. Wonder how Roman is handling the truth that another male had his fiancé all this time," Another girl said.

"Word is traveling that Roman is super pissed and he's decided to crack down on Alyse, forbidding her from leaving his side. Honestly I've never seen Roman Godfrey get so possessive over a girl before," A third girl said.

"This isn't a random girl we're talking about. This is Roman Godfrey's girl. Everyone knows what happens when you mess with her," The first girl said.

"Shit he freaks out when people mess with his sister Shelley. I can't imagine what he would do if someone messed with his girl," the second girl said unaware that Peter and Roman heard everything they were saying.

His captive possession (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 1Where stories live. Discover now