Chapter 13

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Peter made it to the play house that had the police caution tape around it, and blood visible on the inside of the house. Peter kneeled down by the dirt, picking a bit of the dirt up, before dropping it and placing a hand on the dirt, trying to get anything from the crime scene. Little did Peter know he had company joining him and watching his every move.

"How did it feel," Someone asked from behind Peter, causing him to jump up and face where the voice had come from.

Peter spotted the same guy who was staring at him and Alyse when they entered the school standing a few feet away from him, staring him down. "I'm sorry, what?"

"How did it feel to kill Brooke Bluebell? Did you come back here to relive the moment she died," The boy asked again.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't kill her," Peter said.

"Then why are you here," The kid asked.

"I could be asking you the same question. How do I know you're not the one who killed Brooke Bluebell," Peter countered.

"I didn't. I knew her but not personally. I've been to a few of the parties that she was at. She liked my jaguar," Roman explained to Peter.

"So you're the owner of the red car that was driving by my house the other day," Peter said.

"I was curious as to who was moving into Vince's old place. Must say I'm not disappointed. Was that your mother and sister carrying boxes down the stairs to your new home," Roman asked.

"That was my mother and my girlfriend. Not to sound rude or anything, but who are you," Peter asked.

"Roman Godfrey. I own the white tower, and most of the town. Who are you," Roman asked.

"Peter Rumancek," Peter replied.

Roman looked around and noticed that Peter was alone. "Where's your girlfriend? I thought for sure she would be here with you. The both of you seem pretty close. I almost thought that the both of you would never leave each other's side."

"My girlfriend decided to stay home. She and Lynda are spending quality time together. What is it to you anyway, if my girlfriend is by my side or not," Peter asked getting slightly defensive.

"I just found it kind of funny that she clung to you, when I was around you guys. It was like she didn't want me to see her face," Roman replied before both boys heard the sound of sirens going off.

Peter glanced behind Roman and spotted a police car pulling up. "Oh shit." Peter was getting ready to run before Roman put his hand up stopping Peter from doing so."

"Don't run. I got this. I'll send them away," Roman said as the police car came to a stop and parked in front of Peter and Roman. Stepping out of the car was Sheriff Sworn and his partner making their way over to Roman and Peter.

"What do we have here? It's the Gypsy shit and the Godfrey boy. What are you boys doing here? Come to relieve the night you murdered Brooke Bluebell," Sheriff Sworn asked.

"No. We were out walking and stopped by the final place where Brook took her final breath. We stopped to pay our respects to her. Is there something wrong with that," Roman asked.

"Do you want me to arrest you," the skinny cop asked.

Roman turned to look the skinny cop in the eye. "You don't want to do that. My mother can be a real pain in the ass. It would really be best if you both leave now."

"It's best if we leave now. His mother is a pain in the ass," the skinny cop said before both of them got into the car and drove off.

Roman wiped the blood that was coming from his nose with a handkerchief, before turning to look back at Peter. "I told you that I would take care of it."

His captive possession (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 1Where stories live. Discover now