Chapter 5

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Roman and Alyse quickly pulled up to the school. Roman was quick to find a parking spot, parking the jaguar, before turning it off and climbing out with Alyse following behind him. Alyse was about to walk up the steps, leading into the school, when Roman grabbed a hold of her arm, stopping her form walking away from him.

Alyse turned to look at Roman in annoyance. "Please let go. I assure you that I'm not running away. I only simply wish to make my way to class, so I'm not late."

"You and I share the same classes as one another. I can assure you that you're not late. We have plenty of time to get to our next class Roman said.

"Do you not trust me to be in a class on my own? Why would it bother you so much if I were not in your sight for a few hours? Why must you go and watch me like a hawk," Alyse questioned Roman.

"I do trust you. It's the boys in this school that I don't trust. They see a pretty girl and they forget all about the lectures their parents give them. Instead they begin to think of ways to get close enough to you. Once they manage to get close enough and they gain your trust, they will start thinking of the many ways they can bend you over and fuck you before the next pretty face comes along. I won't allow other boys to come in contact with you. Others need to learn to back off and realize that you're mine. Don't you dare try and deny it either. You know damn well that you're mine," Roman replied.

"Roman how can you go and assume everything in this town is yours? Yes a majority of the buildings in Hemlock Grove are yours, because they have the almighty Godfrey name on them. I know you're also used to girls throwing themselves at you; but let me make it clear. You don't own everyone in this town; nor is everyone going to always bow down to you and kiss your ass, giving you want you want as soon as they hear your name. It doesn't work like that. So please allow me to have some space to live my own life. Allow me to make my own mistakes while you're at it. Oh and another thing...butt out so I can finally get a boyfriend who wants to be with me and not use me for sex," Alyse said while pulling her arm away from an angry looking Roman.

Before Alyse had the chance to turn and walk away from Roman, he quickly grabbed a hold of her arm, pinning her against the lockers behind her. "I'll let that little out burst slide due to the nervousness of being back in school. But if you pull that act with me again, I won't hesitate to punish you in the way that I see fit. Now lets go to class together like the loving couple that we are." Roman then roughly pulled Alyse and dragged her all the way to their first class together.


Olivia was sitting in her living room thinking to herself about the way things have been benefiting her handsome son. She knew it was only a matter of time before her son got the one girl that was truly good enough to be with him in her eyes. The sound of a phone ringing brought Olivia back to reality before she reached over and answered the phone not having to look at the caller ID. "Cornelius darling. What a surprise. What do I owe for this wonderful phone call?"

"I demand the meaning of you leaving a ridiculous message on my phone saying that you want my daughter moving her stuff in with you and your son, so that way she and Roman can adjust to their new life together? You got what you wanted out of this deal. Alyse and Roman are getting married when he turns 18 years old. But having them move in together now?!? I don't think so. You will allow me to keep my daughter with me until they are husband and wife," Cornelius flipped.

"Cornelius darling, it will only be a matter of time before Roman mates with your daughter, who happens to be his mate. Once they mate, Roman will want her to be closer to him. It's only natural seeing as male upirs are possessive of their mates. Do you want something bad to happen, because you kept my son away from your daughter," Olivia asked.

"They won't mate any time soon. They're still in high school. My daughter will keep your son from touching her," Cornelius growled at Olivia.

Olivia let out a laugh before responding to Cornelius. "You seem so sure about that darling. My son can be persuasive. Even you know that. So what will it be Cornelius darling? Allow my son to have his mate with him at all times, or risk him taking her away by force, and keeping her away from you?"

"I'll allow your son to keep her there Thursday evening to Sunday morning. Then she returns home to me. I will only allow those terms for the time being until they are wed. Nothing more," Cornelius said.

"Huh, I suppose it's better than nothing at all. It's a little progress of allowing our children to learn to be happy together. I'll accept those terms darling. I may get to spend a little time with my soon to be daughter in law," Olivia said.

"Only if her mate will allow it. If you try and spend time with her, and her mate doesn't allow it, then you already know what to expect from your son. I'm more than sure you seen how other male upirs are about their mates, as well as female upirs," Cornelius reminded Olivia.

"My son can't keep his mate away from me forever. Besides, if he tries, I'll bring Shelley...or his cousin Letha for that matter, though in all honesty I would prefer Alyse and Letha not hanging around each other. It only takes Alyse away from Roman," Olivia vented.

Cornelius growled. "You will allow my daughter freedom to socialize. You will not closer her off from the rest of the world!" With that being said Cornelius slammed the phone down.

Olivia hung her phone up placing it back beside her before getting lost in her thoughts once again. Oh Cornelius, I'm not the one who is trying to hide your precious daughter from the rest of the world. If Roman chooses to keep her beauty hidden from the rest of the world, then that is his choice. Once they say I do, you lose all rights to your daughter, Cornelius Stormnight, Olivia thought to herself.


It was the end of the school day all the kids were rushing to their lockers to put away what they didn't need so they could rush out of the last place they wanted to be. Alyse was at her locker placing the books that she didn't need to take home with her inside slowly, hoping that Roman would forget all about her and leave her to alone. While Alyse was doing this, she was lost deep within her thoughts. Thank god Roman's locker is nowhere near mine. Well not too close anyway. Roman's locker is still down the hall from mine, but it's something I'm going to have to deal with. He won't ever let me out of his sight now, Alyse thought to herself before someone tapped her on the shoulder, causing Alyse to jump and turn around quickly. Once Alyse saw who it was behind her, she gave the person a playful glare. "Way to give me quite a scare Letha."

Letha laughed a little. "I'm so sorry . I honestly didn't mean to scare you Alyse. I was wondering if you want to catch a ride, and still go for ice cream like we originally planned, before Roman called me up saying that he was picking you up for school this morning. I know for a fact that you didn't willingly get in Roman's car with him. Did Roman force you to do anything that you didn't want to do? I mean I know how Roman can be when he wants something. He never stops until he gets what he wants and he will do anything to get it."

Alyse glanced around noticing that Roman was nowhere in sight yet. "We can't stand around and talk here. If we do, Roman is bound to show up and force me to go home with him in his car. Please lets talk about this in your car , while we head over to the ice cream shop, to spend some much needed quality time together." Both Alyse and Letha rushed out of the school, making their way to Letha's car, climbing inside as Roman made his way out of the school spotting them.

Alyse glanced back in fear as Roman was rushing down the stairs making his way over to Letha's car. Alyse turned back to Letha with fear in her eyes. "Please Letha hurry! Don't let him get me. If Roman gets a hold of me, god knows what he will do to me.

As Roman was about to reach the car, Letha pulled the car out of the parking lot, leaving a pissed Roman to rush to his car in hopes that he could catch up to her and find where she is taking Alyse.

His captive possession (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 1Where stories live. Discover now