Chapter 24

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Roman was quiet throughout the whole ride as he and Alyse drove back to the Godfrey house. Alyse watched as the trees passed by until she noticed that Roman missed the turn leading to the Godfrey mansion. "Roman not to be a smartass or anything, but you completely missed the turn to your own home; you know the home that you have been living in your whole life?"

"I know the way to Godfrey mansion. But there is something that I wanted to show you. Originally I was going to wait until our wedding, but I can't wait that long. I want to show you now," Roman replied while pulling up to a construction sight.

Alyse looked around before turning to Roman with a confused look on her face. "You wanted to show me a construction sight?"

"No. This is the sight of our own home. We move right in after graduation and our wedding. Maybe after we can celebrate with friends. And later on in the night we can christen our new home, and hope to get lucky and have a little one running around the house," Roman said.

"Roman you're already making plans for the future. I don't want to go and think about the future right now. I want to be able to live in the moment in the present time," Alyse said.

"I know. But I don't think it would hurt if we have our own place to live. We don't have to worry about Olivia walking in on us, while we are trying to conceive a little one of our own," Roman said.

Alyse rolled her eyes. "We're never at your house to be going at it like rabbits anyway. So there really is no need for you to go and complain about Olivia walking in on us doing anything."

"I don't like being anywhere near Olivia. I also really hate the fact that Olivia tries to weasel her way back into my good graces by using you. That has to be the only reason why she doesn't look at you like you're a piece of trash," Roman said.

"Only reason why she doesn't look at me like I'm trash is, because of the arranged marriage that she and my father agreed upon. If I were another girl that you met on the street and fucked, I'm more than sure Olivia would have an issue with me too," Alyse said.

"Honestly it's none of Olivia's business who I go around having sex with. Because she goes and does the same thing," Roman said.

"So you mean to say that you're still fucking other girls behind my back, though you found a way to tear Peter and I apart by using Letha? I can't believe you," Alyse screamed at Roman slapping his shoulder hard. Alyse was about to slap it again, but Roman grabbed a hold of her wrist preventing her from doing so.

"I didn't fuck any other girl since you arrived back in Hemlock Grove. Besides I'm more than sure that while you were off running around playing house wife to a freaking gypsy, you once you guys fucked. Did you once stop to think about what it would do to me, if I found out you were planning on keeping my child as well as your new life a secret from me, because if so guess what I found out about both," Roman said.

"I'm sorry and I will be a good little house wife for you when our home is built. I'll wait patiently so when you do return home you can fuck me whenever you freaking want," Alyse snapped at Roman.

Roman placed his hand under Alyse's chin pulling her closer to himself. "I don't want you to think that you're only a common house wife, who has to pleasure me every night. You're about to become a Godfrey. Godfrey's are nothing like other families. Sheeit, if we wanted to, we could spend a year on a honeymoon together. I could always take a look around and spread the Godfrey name to many other areas. It would benefit us greatly."

"Roman I think we have more than enough going on right now. Expanding the Godfrey name isn't something that you should be thinking about," Alyse said while pulling away from his grip.

His captive possession (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 1Where stories live. Discover now