Chapter 11

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Back in Hemlock Grove Pennsylvania

Brooke Bluebell had just attended cheer practice for the young girls who were interested and signed up for cheer camp. While she was teaching cheer routines to the young girls, when she felt the sensation of eyes staring into her back. Turning her attention towards the bleachers, Brooke had spotted the tall lean rich boy known as Roman Godfrey. What in the hell does he want? Why does he keep staring at me like that? My god he's a bit creepy when he just stands there staring at me like he wants to eat me. I wonder if he's only staring at me like that because of what happened with his fiancee. I can't help but to wonder if he caused her to run away with how much of a playboy he truly is...not to mention the amount of drugs that he does. It would be enough to drive me to run away from him too. I can't begin to think about all that he did to her, Brooke thought to herself before shaking her head and turning her attention back to the girls who are at cheer practice.

It's the cheerleader girl who I've seen at parties that I've gone to. What was her name again? Becky? No it wasn't that. Brittany? No. Oh that's right. She's Brooke. Almost like Brooklyn, but just Brooke. How can I not remember her name. Wait never mind I remember why I didn't remember her name at first. We hardly talk to one another, though she did say that she was admiring my car. Can't say that I don't blame her for admiring my car. It's a classic and it's one hell of a car. I can thank my dad for at least leaving me something as special as his old Jaguar that I like to drive around in. I can promise you this dad, your car isn't sitting around collecting rust like you feared it would. It helps get me away from Olivia until I have to make my way back home. Still don't know how you managed to be married to Olivia for as long as you were. She's a pain in the ass, Roman thought to himself all while watching Brooke teach the young girls cheerleading.

A few hours after teaching cheer routines to young girls who had wanted to learn them, Brooke had gone home to finish up some homework that she had left to do. While she was concentrating on the remainder of what was left, Brooke looked over and noticed that her phone had lit up with a text message from Mrs. Banks, asking if Brooke was still going to meet her at their special meeting spot that night. Brooke grabbed her phone reading the message with a smile on her face, while quickly replying back to her lover. Having decided that she had done enough work for the night, Brooke closed her books, and started getting ready to head out for a night of fun. Sneaking out of her house, Brooke got in her car and started driving to the destination where she was meeting Mrs. Banks. Brooke sat in the car looking at her phone, while waiting for the train to pass by when all of the sudden her car started shaking uncontrollably. Brooke screamed as something scraped the car trying to get to her inside.

Brooke threw the door open, and started making a run for it through the wooded area, with the thing chasing behind her. Brooke continued to run through the woods in hopes of losing whatever it was that was chasing her. Just as she had began to lose hope of finding a safe spot to hide in until morning, Brooke had spotted a play house that young children would play in on a playground. Brooke quickly made her way over, climbing inside leaning against the back of the playhouse trying to catch her breath, as she hide safely from the creature that had chased her all the way there. I hope that whatever is chasing me decided to give up on me and chase something else through the woods. Though if I stay here until morning, I can make my way to the police or animal control or something and they can take care of that thing that is chasing me around, Brooke thought to herself, before she felt something grab a hold of her leg pulling her out of the play house. Brooke grabbed a hold of the doorway of the play house in hopes that she can pull herself away from the creature and save her life. Please dear god up in heaven. Whatever this thing is that is attacking me, please let it find something else to chase after. Please help save me from this thing and give me another chance at life. I'm too young to die. Please don't do this to me, Brooke thought to herself as her grip started slipping on the playhouse. Brooke was about to scream for help in case someone way walking by, when she remembered her cell phone was on her at the time. In one last attempt she tried to call one person to call for help to save her, though it was all in vain, because the person only heard the last few breaths Brooke Bluebell took before she succumbed to death.

His captive possession (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 1Where stories live. Discover now