Chapter 15

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The next morning Peter woke up cuddling Alyse close to his body not wanting to let her go. After she had returned from her talk with Roman, Peter couldn't stand the fact that Alyse had Roman's scent all over her. With his quick thinking Peter had pulled Alyse into the bedroom where he managed to show her a night filled with passion, which he made sure she would never forget. Alyse turned her head and saw Peter staring at her, though it seemed to her that he was deep in thought.

Alyse pulled Peter's face down and shared a passion filled kiss with him, before pulling away, noticing that he was more into focus. "You know it's creepy to wake up to you just laying there staring at me the way you were. It almost makes me feel like you wanted to eat me or something like that."

Peter playfully growled at Alyse before kissing her neck. "I wasn't trying to be creepy. Though excuse me for trying to admire the one woman who I love and appreciate. Is it too much to ask to allow me a few minutes to just look at you and cherish the very sight that I get to wake up to every morning?"

"I guess it's not too creepy when you put it that way. Though I guess it's a good thing that you were staring at me anyway. We have to get up and go to school," Alyse said.

"But do we really have to go to school; or are you just saying that, because we could always miss a day if you're up for it," Peter tried to persuade Alyse into staying home with him. Alyse gave Peter a stern look. "Peter, we need to attend school. Did you forget that we are trying to blend in? We don't need to draw any more attention to ourselves, than you already drawn in by starting crap with that Christina Wendell girl. It's bad enough that I have to go and figure out someway to fix what you did. We don't need to make it worse by not attending school today."

"It was only a suggestion. Though please promise me that if you see that Roman Godfrey guy, you won't go anywhere alone with him. Something seems really off about the guy. That and I just don't like the way he looks at you. It's like he's trying to seduce you or something like that," Peter said.

"You have nothing to worry about. I have no intentions of being alone with Roman. But you have to promise me that you won't go and draw any more attention to yourself. It's the reason why we had to leave Ohio in the first place. Please don't make us have to up and move out of Hemlock Grove before we manage to graduate," Alyse asked.

"I can't make any promises. All we can do is hope that Hemingway will forget about everything that I told her and that she moves on with her life," Peter said with a shrug.

Alyse rolled her eyes. "Don't you know Peter? Her name is not Hemingway, it's Christina Wendell. God get your freaking facts right. She hates it when you call her Hemingway."

"Keep talking like that. It's scary how much you sound like her when you correct me like that," Peter said being a smart ass.

Alyse smacked Peter before getting out of the bed. "Say that again and I'll make sure you're neutered." Alyse walked away from Peter who laid on the bed shaking his head at his girlfriend. God what would I do if I lost her? I don't know. I would be so damn lost without her. I don't even want to think about what my life would be without her, Peter thought to himself as he got up out of bed getting ready for the school day.

Both Peter and Alyse arrived at the school, making their way to their lockers. Peter had closed his locker and was getting ready to make his way over to Alyse, when he was suddenly stopped by the blonde who caught him outside of the girls bathroom.

"Hey," Letha said.

"Hi," Peter said trying to go around Letha, only to have her step in front of him again. "Excuse me. I'm trying to get around you to my girlfriend."

His captive possession (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 1Where stories live. Discover now