Real Talk

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Andy jumped as his phone rang. "Oh it's Juliet. Just a minute." He walked into a room. I forgot what he told me it was. About twenty minutes later he walked out sniffling.

I noticed his eyes were red and his cheeks were a rosy color. He wasn't smiling though. He ignored me and walked into the other room where I think Jinxx was. Ashley must have noticed too and told Jake to stay with me. He grabbed CC and went in the room. A few minutes later Ashley came out and told Jake to go in and he'd sit with me.

"What's going on?"

"I think I should let Andy tell you."


We waited and after about fifteen minutes they all walked out. Andy looked flushed and sat down on the couch. He sighed and put his head in his hands. Nobody sat next to him so I did.

"I'm sorry, Juliet she... she wants a divorce." He spoke into his hands. His voice was muffled and cracked.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Andy. Is there anything I can do?"

"Can I just... have a moment?"

"Yeah, yeah sure." I stood up and the boys walked me onto the stage.

"Alex, I'm sorry this happened while you're here." Jinxx said.

Ashley groaned, "She could've picked a better time instead she chose now."

"It's okay guys, I wish I could help him this really sucks a lot. I know it hurts..." I stopped talking and remembered how everything hurt with him. I choked on my own words. The guys noticed almost immediately.

"Hey whats wrong?" Asked CC.

"N-nothing I just, thought of someone." I got up and ran into what I was sure was the bathroom crying. I was already crying so bad I couldn't see well. Without looking up I ran right into Andy. He grabbed me by my shoulders and looked at me.

We just looked at each other for a minute. I don't know what he was thinking or what he was doing. I just know I felt like a child crying the way I was. He pulled me in for a hug and I hugged him back.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't be... we'd talked about it for a while. I just didn't think she'd want it to happen so soon. She called me to ask if she should send me the papers to sign or if she'd just sign it herself. Of course that's illegal so she's sending them to me. What i'm most concerned about is you. You're shaking. Is it him?" I nodded. He sat us on the little couch and held onto me. He started singing softly.

These times in life we learn to try, with one intention Of learning how and when we'll die, but we cant listen I wish to god I'd known that I, I didn't stand a chance Of looking back and knowing why, or pain of circumstance You're not alone We'll brave this storm So here's my song I wrote in time, when it was needed Through pain of heart or loss of mind, your burdens lifted You aren't alone just know that I, cant save our hearts tonight You're not alone We'll brave this storm And face today You're not alone You're not alone We'll brave this storm And face today You're not alone

I was almost asleep by time he was done. I stopped crying and jumped at the sound of a knock. CC walked in and Andy put his finger to his lips telling CC to keep quiet.

"Is she, er, they okay?"

I remember seeing Andy nod and then I fell asleep.


Waking up I had no idea what time it was. I pulled my phone out and it was almost 3:00. Andy walked in quietly. I was still sleepy so I didn't move much.

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