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As a result of totally skipping breakfast, I am now starving.

"Hey, Andy I am literally starving. Are you hungry yet?"

"A little. What do you want to eat?"

"I don't know. McDonald's? I'm not really feeling anything super fancy. Just a cheeseburger and chicken nuggets."

"Alright, McDonald's it is then." We get in my car again and I drive to McDonald's.

"Wanna eat in or drive through?"

"Eat in, lets relax a bit."

"As if we haven't all day."

"And? Let's relax some more."


"Excuse me?" Suddenly Andy got stern.

"What? I didn't do anything." A said, with a hint of attitude.

"Don't give me an attitude."

"I wasn't- I didnt give you an attitude." I knew full well I was.

"Don't even talk back to me, or else."

"Or else what? You gonna tease me again?"


"Give me your best shot." I smirked.

I like this side of Andy. I'm not sure what just got into him but I sure wanna find out what he is gonna to do me.

Andy's POV

I'm not sure why, but suddenly I feel very dominant. All Alex did was give me a bit of an attitude and something just clicked. Little brat knew what they were doing too.

"Don't even talk back to me, or else." I said.

"Or else what? You gonna tease me again?"

If only she knew what I could do.


"Give me your best shot." They know how to tease.

"Bet. When we get back to the hotel you are so getting it."

"Hope I get your cock." They mumbled.

But I heard her perfectly. I leaned close to her ear from the passenger seat as she was parking.

"You will get exactly what I give to you, and exactly what you deserve." I saw her shiver a little as I spoke.

We walked inside and ordered our food as if nothing happened. We chose a booth to sit in and made 'normal' conversation.

"Ya know, I've been thinking a lot about my gender identity." They trailed off.

"Yeah? What about it?"

"Well you see. Aside from you, the boys and my best friend, nobody else calls me they/them pronouns. Honestly I've started to accept it. I know who I am and, that's all that matters right? I've been thinking that... maybe it is okay to have both she/her pronouns and they/them pronouns. Both have become comfortable with me so it can't hurt right?"

"I say you do whatever you're comfortable with. If you feel comfortable with both pronouns, go for it."

"I think I will, because sometimes I feel really feminine and sometimes I feel really masculine. Then there are the times I feel neither or both at the same time, so I'm kind of inbetween."

"So then how do you feel right now?"

"Uh, I feel pretty feminine today. If you couldn't tell by my excessive jewelry, and sorta flowy, feminine-like top here.  Oh and don't forget my heeled boots."

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