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Just as soon as the moment had begun, the door opened and we jumped apart as if we were two teenagers caught doing something we shouldn't. That wasn't the case, but it sure had my heart racing.

CC walked in with  a large suitcase. Andy and I were just standing in the middle of the room looking guilty as fuck. CC smiled at us and set the suitcase down and shut the door as he left.

I looked at Andy and he looked at me. We just burst out laughing at eachother. We laughed pretty hard for a minute or two. Once we calmed down and took our breaths we just sat there a second. I broke the silence.

"So there's not really much to do around here but I'm sure you guys want to rest. I'll show you guys around later if you want. Just shoot me a text whenever." I stood up to leave but Andy grabbed my hand.

"Where you going?" He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes that I swear melted my heart.

"Well I was gonna head home and let you all relax and such."

"Do you have to go? I'd rather relax with you here instead of you leaving." He pouted. 

Why is this man so fucking perfect. I shook my head a little and smiled. This man can sit here, be a total badass and defend me to somone who cant treat me right one moment, then be a whole puppy dog the next. Absolutely unfair.

"Alright then, if you insist. Not like I have anything better to do." I sat next to him on the bed again.

"Wanna watch tv? They might have Spongebob." I hopped off and found the remote.

Turning on the tv I flipped through the channels until I saw Spongebob on screen. I did a little happy jump and plopped on the bed. Andy chuckled at me and muttered something. I'm not really concerned with that though. I was watching the tv as one of my favorite episodes was on. Krusty Krab Pizza. I sang along and did a little dance to the Krusty Krab Pizza song. Once again receiving a laugh from Andy and a few muffled words. This time I heard.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh I was just laughing at you."

"Oh, I thought I heard you say something-  Hey! It's rude to laugh at people you know." I playfully hit his arm.

"Well I wasn't trying to be rude!" Andy smiled and mumbled again.

"See! You mumbled again! What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything. I was laughing." He said.

"No you weren't!" I leaned back and grabbed a pillow. "You said something, I know you did. Don't lie to me." I gave him a good smack with the pillow right in his face.

"Oh! You wanna play dirty huh?" He grabbed a pillow too and whacked me on my shoulder.

I whined playfully and hit him again. Back and forth we went. I grabbed onto his pillow as he was trying to hit me and didn't let go. We tugged of war for a good minute before I snatched the pillow from him.

"That's not fair!" Andy yelled.

He sat up on his knees and grabbed each of my wrists fast, forcing me down onto the bed. I let go of the pillows and laughed. I looked up at him for a split second before looking away. Damnit! I felt my face get hot as I looked in his eyes once again.

"Um-" I was cut off.

Andy pressed his lips against mine, gently at first. I sucked air in through my nose in shock and kissed him back. A little deeper this time. Andy kissed deeper too and then he looked at me.

"Uh... s-sorry I kinda got carried away there." He sat up, and I could see his face was red too.

"It's okay." I laughed softly. "Not like I'm complaining." Ugh, me and my damn mouth.

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