Just a few more days

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About 30 minutes later I got a text from Andy.

Andy: Hey were at the restaurant. Are you here?

Me: Yup. I see your bus.

I walked over to the bus and they all stepped out. Andy being the last one. Each of them give me a hug. Andy gave me the biggest hug though. He pulled a bag from the bus and handed it to me.

"Here, its got a poster and a shirt and a copy of our album. I don't know of you already got that stuff but yea." He trailed off.

"Awh, thank you. Ill take a look at it later, i'm starving. Are y'all gonna eat too?" I asked as they all shook their heads.

They followed me in and we all sat together. Jinxx had blocked Andy off from other seats so he had no choice but to sit next to me. He had a sly smirk on his face and I knew why. Not like I was gonna say anything anyways. We ordered our food and everyone was chit-chatting. Andy then turned to me.

"So this is where you reside and spend your days huh? Doesn't seem too bad to me its a cute little town."

"Oh you haven't met the druggies. Or the kids in high school. They are all crazy. I think the only good thing in this town is our Christmas lights displays. We sure as hell go all out. Its fun but you get used to it after a while."

"Sounds fun, maybe we will have to schedule a visit to see these lights."

Our plates came and Andy and I continued our conversation about my shitty town and the limited good things it has.

All of a sudden I look up when I hear the bell ring signaling someone has walked into the restaurant. That someone, was Him. Thoughts of everything came rushing back and I had to fight tears. I went silent and slowly ate my food hoping Andy would just think I'm listening to him. Too late.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked.  Even gaining the attention of the rest of the band.

I felt my face get hotter and the tears became harder to hold back.

"Excuse me, I've gotta go to the bathroom." I struggled to speak normally over the lump in my throat.

I went into the bathroom and started crying. Why did he have to show up now? Why did he even have to show up here? Of all the places in town and of all the times he chose here? I knew he saw me. I knew he saw me run off too. I just know he will ask me about it in a message together.

I was startled by the sound of a knock on the door. "Alex are you in there? Is everything ok? Please come out we can go to the parking lot." It was Andy. If only I couldn't cry enough around him. I decided it'd be best if I came out and went to the parling lot.

Once we reached the parking lot I decided to start speaking. "The persom who came in, that was Him. He is the guy I was talking about. I don't know why he had to show up now. I'm sorry.  You didn't come here to hear me blabbering and crying over some guy. I'm sorry." I cried and tried to wipe my tears away.

Andy hugged me out of nowhere and didnt say anything. He just held me there. I don't know why but, it felt good and yet I cried more. We sat there for a few minutes as I cried into his shoulder. Eventually I lifted my head and sat straight.

"I kinda got your shirt wet." I pointed to the wet spot from my tears on his shirt. He didn't even acknowledge it.

"Alex look. He isn't worth your tears. Or your heart. You are worth so much more. Don't forget that. You are beautiful and you deserve someone who can appreciate that. Not someone who is going to use you. You are so sweet and so caring and if he doesn't want that then he can forget about it. You deserve better anyways." He trailed off.

He looked me directly in my eyes. His beautiful icy blue eyes. I wanted to look away but I didn't. I couldn't.  This beautiful man had me captivated.

"Hey! Hey Alicia! I didn't know you brought Andy here! Holy shit!" Jonathan shouted at me from the restaurant doors.

"I told you not to call me that, it's Alex and-"

"And I think you need to leave them alone. They told you not to deadname them yet you disrespect them anyways. You've done enough." Andy stepped in front of me.

"Dude whats your deal? You don't know anything about me and her. She is my friend so why are you being such a dick?" Jonnathan stepped up to him.

Jesus, I don't need these two fighting. I stepped between them to try and calm them down.

"Andy it's fine. Can we just-"

"It's not fine." He put his arms over my shoulders and pulled me closer protectively.

One arm over the other across my upper chest. Almost like a hug. Now me being 4'11" and him being 6'4", he towered over me quite a bit.

"You disrespect them and deadname them and misgender them. You have no right to call yourself a friend. And after the way you treated them, using them as a crutch and then breaking their heart, you have the audacity to come here and tell me I'm being a dick? I-"

I turned to Andy and held his wrists at his sides. "Andy he isn't worth it, remember? Let's just finish the food and get outta here."

He nodded and we walked away from Jonnathan. I didn't even look at him. We sat down and explained what just happened tp the boys. We finished eating and paid for our food. Once again ignoring him, I walked outside and vowed that I wouldn't speak to him again after this. Theres just no point in hurting myself more.

"That's a damn good restaurant" Said Andy. "Hey we have several days before we gotta be in Louisville for our next concert and the map says it's 30 minutes from here. Are there any good hotels nearby that we can crash at?"

"Ah, well we do have this newer hotel. It is kinda small but I bet if you get two rooms, maybe a third you all could stay. It's pretty cheap too so that's a plus. It's called The Cobblestone Hotel. It even has a hot tub and a pool, both indoors." I said.

"Dude that's awesome." Ashley laughed.

They all agreed to go and I showed them where it was. I had their bus follow me to the hotel. I waited as they checked in and helped them take their things up. Ashley and CC took a double bed room. Jinxx and Jake took one double bed room. Andy took one with a large single bed.

"How come you took the lonely one?" I asked.

"It's not lonely, I just can't sleep with these dorks. Let alone sleep in a hotel room."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me of that one post you made about- oh nevermind." I felt my cheeks flush red.

I just admitted how much I pay attention to his Instagram posts! I mean im sure he gets it he's, ya know, famous and all. But like why would I admit that I remember him making a post several years ago about not being able to sleep in hotels and he was about to go on a flight and he was gonna sleep on the plane?

"Oh yea that post I made a couple years back. I always get referenced that when I talk about my shitty sleep in hotels. Yeah, it's just not comfortable." Andy chuckled at me.  "You don't gotta be embarrassed you know, you aren't the first fan to pay attention to the small details. And besides, it's kinda cute."

Andy walked up to me and I swear everything felt like a movie. It was all in slow motion. He lifted my chin to look at him as he smiled down at me. Once again i'm captivated by his eyes. God, i'm so weak for blue eyes. Put them on a man as hauntingly beautiful as he is and you have a mixture for trouble and love.

"I think you are beautiful, Alex."

"T-thank you." I blushed.

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