Chapter 1 ~ Hiding

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Meanwhile, people are being held in the hotel, some are outside, and going shopping for food, clothes, and more. They were all waiting, wanting to go home. They even tried to convince the guards to let them out, but they refused without an order and they are doing this for their 'safety'. The two people with their hood covering up their faces and eyes were walking through holding the grocery bags. They were revealed a little to be the girls. On the left was wearing purple hooded jacket and white shorts and slippers while on the right was wearing (your color) hooded jacket with zippers and black pants and (your color) boots. Aphmau and Y/N. They just finished shopping as they were walking. The sound of the ring was heard coming from the TV with big screen. The girls turned and huddled up with the group to get a closer look. It was the news that shows the wanted Aaron with Melissa, Rachel, and Derek on it. The speaker explained and told them to call if they had seen them.

"This is terrible..." the (your color) eyed girl frowned.

"I know." the brown eyed girl said.

They walked away after hearing the news heading through the alley where no one goes there more often. The hotel they are heading that is hidden through the alley. They were right in front of the door as Aphmau did the secret knock. They waited but the door wasn't opened. Odd.

"Come on, Zane. Open up." 

"You're not doing it right." Zane replied that is muffled through the door.

"I got close enough. Didn't I?"

"You did it wrong. It's supposed to be knock, knock, pause, knock, knock, knock, pause, knock." 

"Here Aphmau. Let me help."

Y/N did the exact knock Zane have said but with little long pause. The door was now opened as they quickly went inside.

"Wow. Thanks Y/N. Looks like I might need to learn more." Aphmau looked down feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah. At least she understand." Zane scolded her.

"No prob." Y/N winked at them.

Aphmau then rummaged through the bag to reveal black clothes. Zane gasped with enterprise as he asked that they have it as she happily replied with a yes. 

"We'll discuss the knock later, Aphmau."

The girls giggled going upstairs to the room. Once they made it, they're in the living room with the group that are sitting in the table having a meeting. Aaron with red jacket turn to see his lover as he gave her a smile. Aphmau smiled back and went to the kitchen along with Y/N who have him a quick wink with her tongue sticking out. Aaron chuckled at that and went back to focusing on the meeting.


In the room, Y/N is unwrapping the bandage for Melissa to patch a new one since it's staining.

"You have put up a good fight out there."

"I did what I have to, to protect you guys. But this makes me uncomfortable.."

"It's the only way to heal you up. Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah! I won't have to wear the bandage anymore!"

"Mhm. I am just making sure you are alright. Lucinda and Aaron had it way worse. Good thing Aphmau is taking care of Aaron. You Lycans are so very stubborn."

"Well it runs in the family."

The girls giggled. Y/N was so happy to have friends. She then looked down as if something was missing while frowning.

"Hey. Is something the matter?"

"I...I'm fine just thinking.."

"Come on what's on your mind? I won't laugh I promise."

"Okay...Well...I'm a little jealous and left out."

"Huh?" Melissa titled her head in confusion.

"You guys get to have relationship and not me!" Y/N blurted out starting to blush.

Melissa squeaked to hear that. She was surprised.

"You mean you never get to have someone you like? Or love?"


Melissa patted her head.

"Don't worry. One day you will find someone out there that will protect you and love you. I'm sure there will be some guys that might like you. You just gotta have to wait and find out. You'll never know." Melissa assured her while hugging her and soothing her hair.

Y/N had no words to say besides smiling.

"Thank you, Melissa."

"That's what friends do cutie."

"Melissa. Can I see you for a moment?" the voice called out which it was Rachel.

"Coming! Just remember what I said okay?"

"I will. Also keep your bandage in place. Don't even try and remove it." Y/N smirked.


Melissa huffed before walking away. Y/N was a little sad she had no relationship but she gotta have to wait till the time comes. She threw away the rotten bandage and walked out of the room to check on the others. She decided to check on others in the living room. When she made it she stopped as if there was the sign telling her to stop.

"R?" Aaron gasped.

"It's been a while kid. It's good to see you too, Y/N." Agent R said.

"How did you-"

"We'll explain later. Did you get it?" Derek cut off.

Agent R showed the briefcase that has something important inside. She wondered what it is.

"Thank Irene, you're a life saver. You have no idea how much this helps us at this moment."

"Anything for an old friend."

Meanwhile, Michael is in the Guardian Forces office with a certain someone who is Zack. Aphmau's dad. In front of them is the leader of the guard named Toby who was reporting him about the Ultima. Michael understood and assured him as he dismissed him. The man with red hair wearing the white jacket came inside.

"Sir? We found what you are looking for. It was where you said it was. It's...incredible. The technician say it was back to-"

"Have you made it to the center yet?" Michael asked feeling eager.

"No we just found outlining platform. It'll take us weeks to-"

"Make it days." he ordered not wanting to make it long.

"Uh yes sir!"

Once he left, Michael asked where is Zack's boy.

"He's at the resort zone. The last potion is about settled." he replied.

"Get him ready. It's time." he darkly smiled.

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