Chapter 5 ~ Chased by the guard named Toby

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Y/N's POV~

We are hiding inside the luggage and it's very crampy in there that it's hurting my back. We could hear arguments from the family as they told the guardian forces that are outside the hotel room disturbing them. Once they heard the door was closed and the argument had ended.

"Alright, Spider-Man. The coast is clear." the cute boy said.

Finally I got out of the luggage as I stretched my back hearing the satisfied crack.

"Free at last."

Zane gasped for air feeling happy to get out. Aphmau got out groaning about her neck in pain.

"Your neck? Your suitcase is bigger than mine. How did your-"

"Zane, calm down. Do you want the GF to come back?" Aphmau warned him.

Zane growled knowing that she's right.

"Thanks buddy. For your help." Y/N patted his head as he giggled.

"Anything for a Spider-Man."

"Thanks little guy. You are a true hero."

The cute boy blushed while smiling. We opened the door to see anymore guards and to find out the coast is clear so we ran out heading down to the stairs. We are now in the alley after from all the hiding and running without looking back. Me and Aph hid behind the box but gasped to see the GF and Aph grabbed him from the back of his collar.


"Keep your voice down."

"What was that for?"

"Look Zane."

We hide again to see GF walking past by. That means the security have increased. Looks like our friends had escaped but separately. I know my friends are thinking the same thing.

"Let's head back the way we came. If we're fast we can..Darn it!" Zane growled seeing more guards in our way.

"They're searching for the alleys now. We have to go to the boardwalk." Aphmau concluded.

"Are you kidding me? There are so many GFs out there."

"Do you trust me?"

"I trust you."

Zane then nodded. Aph and I put on our hoods to hide ourselves and Zane took off the mask to reveal freckles so no one will recognize him. Aph told him to take off because it will be more noticeable. So far we managed to blend in through the crowd. We suddenly heard a ding sound coming from the big screen as we walked towards it to reveal something shocked us.



"It's them."

Kawaii~Chan and Aaron are wanted. That means they had escaped. But the rest of the Lycans aren't in the picture like they would always show. That means they are caught. But I still had a feeling someone had died...

"Aph. Where would Aaron go?" Zane asked suddenly.

Where would he go? As we were discussing, we haven't noticed someone is watching us from afar.


We were now following Aph as she showed us the direction of where Aaron would go which the resort. Where we all lived there. But we are walking fast because we felt as if someone was following us and we were on guard. We hide heading straight towards the shop to pretend we went to buy something. For a couple of seconds, we got out looking around for anyone then fast walk again. But we still felt they were following us. We looked at each other before nodding as we run. By run I mean run as fast as we can.

"Who the heck is that?" Zane asked while running.

"I don't know but he is definitely the GF." Aphmau replied.

"We have to hurry. I think he is coming close." I said looking back to see him coming already.

"What's the plan?"

"We've got to lose him quick. We're almost at the edge of the boardwalk."

The GF is coming close!

"Split up! Just don't stop running!" Zane said before splitting up.

"Zane!" I shouted to him still running.

"Fool. He's not the important one here." the man said.

We turned to see Zane pinned down the man but he stood up fast backing him up. What's worse is that he punched Zane on the cheek leaving the bruise! He then was handcuffed. I am beyond angry and so was Aph as she charged him without warning with ears and tail coming out.

"You get away from him!"

She punched him on the stomach causing him to be pushed back hard all the way to where he had run before. She growled angrily as I helped him up.

"Oh my Irene! A werewolf! And she just hit that man!" the woman screamed as she run away.


He knows now.. We ran away again heading close to the edge. Stopping ahead we could see the river with the forest.


But we already see him coming closer. Does he ever give up?

"No time! Y/N hop onto my back!" Aph said as she carried Zane in bridal style and I hop onto her back grabbing her shoulders.

She jumped up really high. Then landed down without breaking a sweat.

"Damn I never knew you had reflexes!" I gaped hopping off of her back.

We turned to see him stop. Looks like he can't go through.

"Why do you protect Aaron?! He's just a monster! It's only a matter of time until he cannot control the rage within him! And then what?!" he shouted feeling enraged.

This guys doesn't even know Aaron!

"That monster saved my life! He is willing to die just so I can be free! I owe him everything!" Aph shouted back.

"Then how many innocent lives are you willing to sacrifice?! Huh?? How many you need to die just to protect him?!"

"You don't know what a true monster looks like!"

Yeah! That's right! I decided to speak up as well.

"You don't even know what he has been going through! All you guys ever think is just about yourselves and killing the unknown ones will not help! How would you feel if anyone took away the ones you care about? What are you gonna do about it?! You can't judge of what they are when they're not!" I shouted feeling tired of this.

The man was shocked and so was Aph and Zane by my sudden outrage as they had no words to say.

"Let's go.." I glared walking away.

Zane and Aph followed leaving him angry, frustrated, and shocked.

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