Chapter 13 ~ Alive?!

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Ein's POV~

My head hurts like hell. I don't know how long I was knocked out. My eyes fluttered open to see what's going on. I then remembered about Aaron being taken and that....Michael betrayed me. I suddenly heard shouts and pleads as I woke up to look at my surroundings. I am in the house. I looked around to find myself in the resort. My breath hitched to see Aphmau and others including Terry. What made my breath hitch even more to see Lucinda trying revive Y/N with her magic. I see a hole on her chest. I also found myself tied up hard. Great..

"Come on! Please wake up!! Please breathe!"

"Lucinda. It won't work.. She's been gone for more than--"

"Shut up! I'm trying to focus!! Focus your energy on me! Focus on her! Please.."

"Gah!! Ein is awake!!" Daniel shrieked to see me.

They gasped to see me all awake. Lucinda though was still busy. I turned to see Blaze who was glaring at me with hatred. How did he get out of my control?


He punched me right on the cheek as I grunt in pain. Looks like that's gonna leave the mark.

"Tell me now!! Where did they took Aaron?!"

Huh? What is he talking about?

"I don't know.. Nor will I tell you where he is.."

"You better tell me where he is Ein.."

I turned to see Aphmau with a harsh glare and hatred she is giving me more than anyone else.

"I told you I don't know. He already betrayed me. That Michael was a liar."

"Of course he would lie."

I see Terry who was sitting on the couch as he looked at me with a stern look.

"I actually know where he would take Aaron."

"Really?" Aphmau asked.

Terry nodded. Daniel was looking at me with a glare. Tch.

"Do you happen to know what he was going to do with him?" Blaze asked.

Terry was about to answer when I finally said,

"He's going to turn him into the relic."

They all looked me with wide eyes. All I hear was silence and Lucinda's enchanted words.

"Something about him something powerful about him that can be used to destroy everything. That's all I know before I was stabbed in the back.."

"Well good for you. Plus you are going to help us." Aphmau declared while glaring at me.


"You heard me. Since you know this Michael you should give us information of what he was capable of."

"Why should I?"

"For you to pay of what you did to Y/N!" Blaze growled.


I said nothing as I suddenly feel ashamed. Why would they want my help? Probably to use me as bait. Maybe this might be my chance to fix my mistake. I guess. I have nothing else to do besides getting my revenge of that traitor.

"Fine... But on one condition. Free me. I'm not going to do anything fishy. I have nothing."

"What?! No way!!" Zane shouted coming closer to me.

"Fine. Plus Blaze told me he lost his power so there's no need to worry. But we are going to keep extra eye on you, Ein." Aphmau assured him.

Zane growled before sighing in frustration and nodded. Blaze walked over to me and swiftly untied me before hitting me on the head. I rubbed my wrists easing the marks. I stood up and walked around to go check on that Y/N. Why would this girl be suddenly in my mind? I don't understand what's this feeling I have. Geez.. Suddenly I saw her body color turning bright and her eyes are turning back to her (your color) eyes. She gasped for air coughing.

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