Chapter 6 ~ Don't Disobey Me

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Ein's POV~

Finally I had gotten what I wanted. After Aaron and the Meifwa left the cave, I immediately turned all the werewolves under my control thanks to this lovely new potion. I could hear screams and shouts in fear of me. Blaze was such a weakling to try to take me down as I got him controlled too. I am now lifting the last werewolf guy by the collar after I forced him to take the potion effect as he coughed and coughed. His eyes were yellow until it now turned back to their original color.

"Just one potion affected and all of them this quickly? This is just too easy!" I chuckled dropping him to the ground.

Now lets see..


"Yes alpha!"

I smirked.

"Ram your head into that rock over there."

"Yes alpha!"

He rammed his head by the rock without hesitation. He groaned in pain as he said ow.

"Perfect! Absolutely perfect!" I laughed evilly.

I was so distracted with my happiness that I didn't see Daniel walking towards the werewolves playing along.

"You two!"



"Yes alpha!"

"Pummel Blaze a bit."

"Yes alpha!"

"Blaze. Stand there."

They both punched Blaze without regret or hesitation. That shows for helping Aaron take away my alpha. Laughter came from me feeling already pride.

"You are all obedient to me! I am the Alpha!"

I turned to see Daniel. Ah yes the Omega I made him to be. I glared at him walking over.

"Hmph. I remember you."

"Huh. At least your brain works." Daniel muttered.

My eyes widened to hear him talk back to me.

"What did you say?"

"I'm honored alpha!"

Good. He is under my control.

"Of course you are. You're going to be my little dog now.."

I looked back to see Blaze all beaten up as the 2 stopped and back away.

"Pummel him." I ordered him.


"Did I stutter?"

He looked down and followed my order as he punched him again and again. I smirked in satisfaction. There is just one more thing.

"Dottie. Go out and fetch me Aphmau. She is coming here soon and tell her that Aaron is bleeding really badly and that he is looking forward to see him again."

"Yes alpha."

Dottie then walked off. This is just too perfect to come true.

Y/N's POV~

We made it to the park where no one is there. Aph unhandcuffed Zane as it break into pieces. He rubbed his wrists as he thanked her.

"Sorry he cuffed you." Aph apologized.

"I was in the panic. I just improvised, but at least we are close to the resort." Zane said.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"I know you did that to let us escape. We appreciate it. A lot."


"I didn't want them to catch you. Besides you guys did the same for me."

We both smiled at him.

"Also thank you Y/N for standing for Aaron."

"I was so tired of everyone calling him a monster when he is not. Nobody should judge him that way. Plus he is your only lover."

Aphmau hugged me as I hugged her back along with Zane. Suddenly, her ears twitched as she pulled away looking straight ahead.

"Something's coming."


Aphmau lift both of her hands up protecting us. The footsteps were heard and then getting louder. The figure revealed themselves to be......Dottie!

"Dottie?" we both exclaimed.

"Aphmau! Y/N!" Dottie exclaimed back as we hugged her.

Oh thank Irene! She is here and okay!

"Dottie! You're alright!"

"I am so worried that I thought you were taken away!"

"I'm perfectly fine!"

Dottie looked up to see Aphmau's ears and tail. Looks like we will explain her later.


"You had us scared for a moment. We thought that maybe you are one of the GF." Zane sighed in relief.

"Is everyone else alright? Are they here too?"

"A lot of us were captured, but the rest of us are hiding out."

"Aph. Y/N. We need to keep moving. That guy could still be following us."

"Is everything alright?"

"The GF have been hunting us and one of them has been on out tail all day."

"We've also have been looking for everyone else thinking they might be heading back to the summer house."

"Oh you are. Then maybe I should tell you."

"Tell us what?"

"Is something wrong Dottie?"

"It's Aaron. He's back at our camp and he's greatly injured."


"No way!"

"From what Aaron said Garroth and Kawaii~Chan were heading back to the resort something about trying to get a boat off the island."

"Are they okay?"

"I-I don't know. The Guardian Forces are always searching for that area though, they're probably in trouble."

"Is Aaron alright? What happened?"

"He was shot by the Guardian Forces. He was bleeding really badly. I don't know.."

We turned feeling all worried and scared.


"I have to go see him."

"I am coming along to help him."

"I know."

Zane looked away.

"You're not coming.."

"Aaron is hurt but he is with friends. I need to make sure Garroth and Nana are alright."

We both looked at him sadly before giving him a hug.

"You better not get caught."

"Go kick some GFs' butt."

"I won't and I will kick their butt."

We pulled away before Zane left to go find them. We then followed after Dottie to go and help Aaron. Little did they known that they are falling into someone's trap..

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