Chapter 17 ~ Time To Save Our Friends and The World!!

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"Oh no..."

"Lucinda! Run!!" Y/N called as she ran after her.

Aphmau followed to stop Katelyn. Lucinda though didn't move as she was frozen to see her friend like this. Katelyn raised her fist. Y/N went in front of her as she was punched instead. Once Katelyn punch her the impact was so strong it caused both of them to be pushed back to the ground. Kim and Terry tried to hold her but she was strong as she pushed Terry back and flipped Kim over for her to hit the ground hard. She later then kicked Terry back again when he tried to come at her before kicking Kim like a trash towards him as they both got hit to the wall.

Katelyn looked around before spotting Kawaii~Chan and ran towards her but Zane and Blaze blocked her as they got ready for the fight. Lucinda who got up threw fire magic at her from her hand. Katelyn dodged it which got her distracted as Aphmau and Ein tackled her to the ground. Aphmau was on ground while Katelyn was on top and Ein behind her as he tried to pry her off but was pushed back by her back hard. She punched and punched Aphmau but luckily she blocked her punch with her arms as best as she could. Y/N ran towards her and kicked her off. She quickly stand up but was punched in the cheek. She slowly looked at her with the death stare which made her flinch. Her punches and kicks were so fast Y/N couldn't dodge them in time.

"I got your back!"

Blaze called as he helped her fight against Katelyn. Everyone else except Aphmau, Ein, and Lucinda ran away to find a way inside. Ein and Aphmau tried to get behind her but with her quick reflexes they always get pushed back. Lucinda kept firing at her. Katleyn quickly moved away but after she dodged it Blaze and Y/N nearly got hit by that fire as they ducked down.


"There's no way in!"

Blaze tried to punch her when she grabbed his fist and kicked him back. Y/N was about to give her a kick when she grabbed it and was flown up when she jumped hitting her to the ground very hard making a hole.


"Y/N!!" Aphmau and Ein cried.

"Does that count?" Kim asked smirking at Zane.

Lucinda froze Katelyn's legs as Y/N took an opportunity to pin her down with the help of Aphmau with her strength.

"Hold her!"

"W-We're trying.." Y/N grunted.

Lucinda then froze Katelyn right after Y/N and Aphmau ran away from it. Katelyn couldn't move. Lucinda assured her that she's just suspended and it won't last long.

"I'm sorry Katelyn.."

They all jumped down to the hole Katelyn created. Once they made it to the ground, everyone were a bit tired and one of them was not feeling well which is Kawaii~Chan as her wound is getting worse. Y/N suddenly gagged and spit out something on her hand. It was her blood as the rest heard her. Ein's widened as he got worried what's gonna happen to her.

"Y/N!" Blaze, Aphmau, Terry, and Kim shrieked.

"It's okay. I'm fine. I just got thrown around a little and hit a few times."

Kim looked up at the hole Y/N was thrown.

"That' understatement."

"You can't push yourself too much." Lucinda scolded.

"I'll fine. I'll try not to overdue it."

"Don't scare me like that. Please." Aphmau said.

"You'll be okay.." Zane assured as Kawaii~Chan weakly smiled.

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