Chapter 11 ~ Betrayed by Michael

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Aphmau's POV

I still couldn't move or make eye contact with anyone except Y/N who is still dead lying on the matt. I can't believe she is gone because she saved me. It should have been me.. Why my friends? What did I ever do to deserve this? I didn't notice that Aaron was slowly walking away while I could hear crying from Kawaii~Chan who keeps on asking Zane if she is okay when she is not.

"Zane! Please! Tell me! What happened?! Zane, please!!" Kawaii~Chan cried.

Zane was sobbing who can't get the word out from his mouth. We suddenly heard a glass smashed and we turned to see the broken purple glass. My eyes widened remembering seeing that sword inside that purple glass. I realized Aaron had left to kill Ein for my friend with the sword he had taken! I ran about to go after him when I found his jacket laying on the ground folded nicely. I picked it up holding it close to my chest as I looked to where Aaron had left. Aaron please be okay. Please come back to me...

Third Person's POV

Meanwhile, at the Starlight Wonderland where there is a gate being locked up and blocked and you can see a huge crowd of people bellowing and shouting for the Guardian Forces to let them out because they want to go home. They were completely mad for being caged up like that as everyone keep on shouting. Inside the crowd, you can see Sylvana, Ziana, Guy, Lifeguard, and Kai looking sadly as they had no idea what's going on feeling scared.

"Listen up! I know all of you want to leave! The second we open the gate I want everyone to make their way down to the boat. Everyone please remain calm and move in an orderly fashion." the woman guard said through the megaphone.

They all agreed as they waited. But what they didn't know is that it was all a setup and a trap. There are no boats either which they lied about that. As the gate was opened they all did as they were told as they walked in orderly fashion, slowly. Back then, Aaron was walking slowly as he angrily glared up ahead while holding the gym back that hides the sword he was carrying. He accidentally tripped but went back up as he walked again.

Laughter was heard to reveal Ein with his ears and tail. But what was most scary is his grin that was wide as ever as he waited along with his pack. He had an earring on his left wolf ear. They were on the bridge to where Aaron will meet them.

"Gah! Guards! Werewolves! Over there on the bridge!" the woman screamed pointing up ahead.

"They are no harm. Keep moving." the guard said calmly.

"The Ultima!"

"I said keep moving. They're fine."

"The look on their faces was so worth the wait. They were so shocked. They didn't even say a word. I wonder how quickly that girl died? What did she say? Did she cry? Did Aphmau tried to save her? Or maybe she put the blame all to herself?" Ein laughed again.

"I can't wait to see HIS face again! Don't worry Michael. I will kill him. I'll kill just like what you said. You made me strong and I won't fail you again."

"He's here!" Blaze growled.

Aaron came looking angry as ever. He around the group to see werewolves and guardian forces surrounding him. But he glared at most is Ein as they both stare at each other. Everyone screamed to see Aaron on the bridge who is an Ultima. More guards came and surround him as the citizens told them to kill the monster so they could go home and that world will be safe without the Ultima. Aaron wasn't fazed by everyone's judgement as he still glare at him. His hair was blown to see the helicopter flying up as they stop there to get a view of Aaron. You can see Michael looking down as he smiled.

"Give it up! It's your fault we're here! It's your fault they hate us so much!" Blaze growled walking up to him.

Aaron glared at him walking towards him knowing he was under control from Ein.

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