Chapter 9 ~ Let Me Help You..

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Daniel's POV:

We both ran and ran as fast as we could. We then stopped at the place where I was on the look out.

"Back...cave." I panted.

The guard look at me.


Not this again.

"I said backcave! We can't get out from here."

"Then we'll swim." he said looking at the water.

"But we need to go back for Aphmau and...Y/N.." I sniffed feeling tears coming out when I saw her stabbed in the chest by Ein.

I know it wasn't Aphmau's fault. I saw it with my own eyes that he did this.

"I don't know what your plan was but you should have never come back to the cave. It was a stupid decision. But what's worse is putting your friend to the death."

"I...we were..." I tried to say something.

"The smartest thing we can do now is get help."

I glared at him unbelieving of what he just said.

"Get help? I heard what Ein said. Captain of the Guardian Forces. You want to get help so you can just lock me up just like everyone else!"

"It was the only way to make sure the Ultima didn't escape." he sighed.

"By imprisoning werewolves? We're just normal people!"

"The longer we stay here the more at risk we are. You saw how dangerous that man Ein is. He even got your friend killed. And if what he said is true." he took out his IPhone.


He dialed the number as he talked to this J.O.N. person, explaining of what happened in this cave giving them the location of the missing werewolves and Ein as a threat. I heard them say about asking his location but he tried to tell them to find the cave. They also said something else that made both us shock.

"Your location sir. We need to know where you ran after you met Ein."

Our eyes widened in shock.

"You never said.."

He dropped the phone.

"We need to get out of here. Now!"

We both jumped into the water and swam away. Hold on Aphmau and Y/N. I am going to tell Aaron.

Y/N's POV:

I don't know how it happened but I know I was stabbed in the chest by Ein. Then I was unconscious from the loss of the blood. I then suddenly got woken up by a slap in the back of my head.

"Wake up."

I opened my eyes to find myself restrained in the arms and turned to see Blaze and Dottie holding me.

"Good you're awake. Be grateful that I patched you up."

I looked to see Ein holding onto Aphmau with a knife in his hand. Looking down I could see my chest all wrapped up in bandage.

"You...saved me?"

"No. I just patch you up cause it sickens me to see blood around the floor."


"Aphmau." I gasped.

Aphmau was almost a mess but I'm glad she wasn't raped because I would have lose my mind. I could tell that since she showed me her eyes are still filled with innocence so that's good.

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