Chapter Nine: Medusa

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"I want to fight you for Asta."

He wasn't looking at me, and I wasn't looking at him. I could smell him. I could hear his breathing. How his heart was beating heavily. How the sweat pooled and dribbled down his chin and onto my floor. I sighed, turning my head to hear shuffling behind me, now knowing that Asta was awake and going to witness everything that was about to happen.

"She is free to leave, if she wishes." I started. "I do not kill women I bed." I teased.

Which was a terrible idea, as it seems. He yelled loudly and swung his sword in my direction. Spittle hit the ground in front of me and I raised my eyebrow.


I chuckled in response to him. This was going to be an interesting fight. Well, sort of. I don't fight if I don't have to, so my hand to hand skills aren't the greatest. I typically just turn people to stone and go on with my life. I sighed softly, leaning against my throne more.

"I only have one bed, Varrian. I'm not so cruel as to let her sleep on the stone floor."

His face was red, and I closed my eyes, sighing.

"Fight me, you fucking monster."

I pushed myself off of my throne and walked towards him, coming out of the shadows. I didn't look at him, because I had no intention of turning him to stone at this moment. I liked to enjoy my mornings before I started killing, believe it or not. I reached down and ripped a good chunk off of my toga dress and stood close to him, holding it out for him, not looking at him. His sword was at my belly, and he could kill me if he so wished at that moment.

But he wouldn't. He was too prideful with Asta watching.

"Tie this around your eyes, Varrian. It will give you a chance against me."

I sighed, waiting until he took the fabric and tied it around his eyes, making sure that he couldn't see me. Then I looked at him.

"I honestly do not wish to fight you, Varrian. Asta cares for you more than she cares to admit, and I do not like to hurt anyone carelessly." I admit, not ashamed.

Asta yawns behind me, having finally found her way to the main room of the cave. I move to stand near her, helping her to sit on the throne, which I don't normally share.

"I would prefer you stay in the bedroom, but I know you won't. Varrian has challenged me for you." I smiled softly at her, my heart clenching when she looks at me as I talk, not truly seeing me. "You are free to leave, if you so desire. I will not keep you here against your will." I smile sadly, and she seems to sense it, because her face scrunches and she places a hand on my cheek.

"The only one who wants me in the village is Varrian. And that is only because he is in love with me. But I do not love him as a woman loves her husband." She answers me, and I smile, pressing against her hand. I pull away, turning to face Varrian. She murmurs low enough that I don't hear her; "He is not the one that holds my heart, Medusa..."

I turn back to Varrian.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Varrian? I honestly don't want to fight you."

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