Chapter Fifteen: Medusa

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When she asked me if she could stay, my heart clenched painfully. I felt like I couldn't tell her no in any sense of the word. I moved to pull her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"If that is what you wish to do, Asta."

I spoke softly, looking up at her. Soon I sighed, moving her off of my lap and went to stand across the room. I clasped my hands behind my back and didn't look at her. I could feel her blind eyes on my back, but I couldn't bear to look at her.

"If you're staying, you need to know why I'm hunted."

I started, not wanting to tell my past, but knowing she had to know if we had any chance at a future. When she didn't say anything, I continued.

"You may know I've been here for hundreds of years. That hasn't changed. Men hunt me to try to prove themselves to the gods and goddesses. You saw that earlier with Varrian."

I took a breath and started to pace. I hadn't told anyone what had happened to me.

"When I was human, I was what would be considered in our terms now as a nun. I tended to Athena's temple." I smiled softly, remembering those days. Things were easier then.

"I had devoted myself to Athena's temple from the time I could make my own decisions, and made sure I never missed a day to share her praise." I held my hands up, closing my eyes, missing how the sun felt on my face when I would go to the town and share the glories of Athena.

"I was cleaning the temple one evening, getting ready for the festival we were having that week. I was almost finished for the night when someone came to the temple." I took a shaky breath and interlocked my fingers in front of me. "I greeted them like I greeted anyone who entered the temple, and before I knew it, I was being -" I took a deep breath and released it before I continued. I had started pacing at this point.

"I was being raped. And I wasn't able to fight back. Poseidon was too strong for me. Top tier Gods always are. They're the pure bloods. While I was born a Gorgon, I'm the only one of my sisters that was born human." I explained, trying to avoid the rape topic. "Athena's temple was desecrated and all she did was watched while my life was ruined."

I took another deep breath, trying not to let my anger from those years take over. Yes, I was still angry, but there was nothing I could do about it now.

"When he was finished, he left. I prayed to Athena for her help during and after." I hadn't realized that tears were falling yet. "When she came down from the skies, she cursed me. The goddess cursed me to a life of solitude. She turned my beautiful hair to snakes, and I was banished to this damned island!" I shouted, clenching my fists that were shaking. I sighed harshly. I had never told anyone about this.

While it was a relief that I had shared this with someone, I also didn't want to scare her off. I watched her face contort before she walked over to where I was pacing. She placed her hands on my face, and tutted when she started wiping my tears away. I leaned into her hands, a purr rumbling deep from within my chest.

"Oh, Medusa...." she spoke softly, her thumbs rubbing gentle circles around my cheeks. "You didn't deserve any of that..."  

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