Chapter 2

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The whole trick went according to the king's plan, but what made it even more perfect was that Katakuri wanted to skip the kiss so you kept your veil on the whole reception. 

The King mentioned that as long as the press didn't get a clear shot of your face then no one would notice.

But you were absolutely terrified. You were worried that someone will see right through you and call you out on it.

If anyone from the Charlotte Family ever found out that you are not the princess then you will be executed, not only that but all of Dendrobia will be in trouble and the king will have you blamed for it. You had so much weight on your shoulders that you've had the urge to throw up the whole day.

But luckily for you, the day ended and no one suspected a thing, or at least you hoped no one did.

Your new home is now in Komugi Island, which is where Katakuri's palace is, and you're now standing in front of a fill length mirror in your now shared room as the maids helped you get off of your wedding dress.

 You stood there and looked at yourself in the mirror. The wedding dress was absolutely gorgeous, your hair had been done upright and your face glowed. You looked like an actual bride, but you felt nothing like one. You only see yourself as a wolf in sheep's clothing and you wondered how long you would last before your worries end up becoming reality.

But you tried to stay as calm and composed as possible, the queen had taught you how to behave like a princess in such little time so you knew what to do, but could you really do it? You weren't a really good liar after all. As a maid you weren't allowed to lie so how could you even pull this off?

"Here you go Princess."

You snapped out of your thoughts and saw that a maid had just finished placing a bath robe on you.

"We have prepared a bath for you, surely you need one after carrying such a heavy dress all night."

You- "um..yeah..thank you."

"Now if there is anything else that you need, just shout, we are always nearby."

You nodded and made your way into the bathroom. You saw the bathtub filled with bubbles and figured that maybe you will feel better after a nice long bath.


After about an hour you finally stepped out of the bathroom, feeling very refreshed. Never have you thought that a nice bath would help calm your nerves. You were so relaxed that you nearly forgot why you were even scared in the first place.

You saw that it was getting late so you were about to reach into your dresser to change into a night gown but hearing spurs approaching from a distance has left you frozen with fear.

clank....clank....clank ....clank 

 All the sweat that you had just washed away in the bath has returned the louder the spurs got.

Clank....Clank ....Clank....Clank

Maybe he is just passing by, You thought. He is the Minister of Flour so of course he's always busy.


Oh of course he's not passing by! This is the only room on this floor so why else is he coming up here?!


Maybe if I just go back to the bathroom then he would think that I am too busy to talk, I mean, no one walks in on a lady while they're bathing right??

But before you could even think about running back to the bathroom, the door opens and you instantly turned pale.

You watched as your husband entered the room and slowly approached your small frame once he closed the door.

Katakuri- "...Are you comfortable?"

You couldn't find your voice so you just nodded.

Katakuri- "You don't have to be afraid...You are my wife now, and I will never do anything to harm you. I will also make sure that no harm comes towards you, whether its from the people outside this palace, or the members of my family."

You looked up at him a bit confused, he is a very intimidating looking person yet he is showing, compassion?

Could such a word even exist with the name "Charlotte" next to it?

Katakuri- "However, I am sure you are aware that this wedding was only arranged so Mama could gain access to the orchids that grow in your kingdom, have you not?"

You sighed and nodded.

Katakuri- "I know you are concerned about your family and kingdom, but as long as you and the king cooperates with Mama then everyone will be safe. But one false move and Mama will not hesitate to eradicate the Island...including you."

You gulped and slowly bowed your head towards him.

You- "In the name of everyone in Dendrobia, I promise that my....father....and I will not disappoint your mother." 

Katakuri then got on one knee to lift your gaze up to him.

Katakuri- "You do not need to bow to me, you are my wife and I don't expect you to treat me like I am of higher class."

Katakuri then stood up and was about to leave but he turned back to glance at you.

Katakuri- "Just so you know, I will be gone for the most part, but my sisters will come by to keep you company if you need it but if anyone hurts you in any way, family or not, please tell me."

You nodded and watched as Katakuri left out the door and you finally let out a breath of relief once the sound of his spurs disappeared down the hall.

You thought that you were going to throw up the moment his eyes stared down at you but after what he told you, you didn't know what to feel anymore.

Have you underestimated Katakuri?

Is there really more to him that just the stories you've heard about him?

Are those stories even true to begin with?

If he isn't as what everyone says he is, then why did the rumors start in the first place?

Who started them and how could Katakuri let them get this far?

You were so deep into your thoughts that you didn't realize how late it has gotten so you figured that you should get some sleep before you end up keeping yourself up all night.

But before that, you wanted to go and take another bath to wash off the sweat that you just let out a while ago. 

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